dispatch is not a function in Server Side Rendering


i have a problem with redux-thunk, it just doesn't pass the dispatch to my action creator, i'm loggin it but it is still undefined:

here is my action creator:

import * as types from './actionTypes'
import Service from '../service'

export const fetchFromApi = payload => {
return { type: types.FETCH_FROM_API_TEST, payload }

export const fetchApiTestAction = () => dispatch => {
return Service.GetUsers().then( _data => {
dispatch(fetchFromApi( _data.data )) // you can even distructure taht like fetchFromApi(({ data }))
}).catch ( err => {
// error catching here
// you can even call an failure action here...
// but sorry about it , i have no time for that , im sorry :(
throw (err)

here is my Service js class

// Basic fetch
async basicFetch(url, options, headers = this.authernticateHeader) {
let fetchOptions = {}
if(options.headers) {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',
} else {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',

// log before sending the request...
// console.log(url, fetchOptions, fetchOptions.headers.get('Content-Type') )

try {
const response = await fetch(
{ ...fetchOptions }

if(!response.ok) {
throw {
message: response.statusText,
api: `${options.method} ${this.serverAddress}`

const responseJson = await response.json()
return responseJson
} catch(err) {
throw { ...err }

GetUsers = () => {
return this.basicFetch(this.urls.GET_USERS, {
method: 'GET'

here is my routes .js file

import { fetchApiTestAction } from './actions/fetchApiTestAction'

const routes = [

path: '/',
exact: true,
component: Home,
fetchInitialData: fetchApiTestAction()
path: '/about',
component: About
path: '/contact',
component: Contact


and here is my server.js file

app.get('/*', (req, res, next) => {

const activeRoute = routes.find( route => matchPath(req.url, route) ) || {}

const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData()
: Promise.resolve()

_promise.then( () => {

const store = configureStore()
const markup = renderToString(

<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={{}}>
<Provider store={store}>
<App />

const initialBrowserTabText = 'hi there from home page...'
const initialState = store.getState() || {}

const _template = template( initialBrowserTabText, initialState, markup )

}).catch(err => {

i havent faced with this kind of problem so far. when i console.log(dispatch) inside of my action creator(before return part) it is undefined. i should say that here is what my terminal shows to me:

Server is listening on port 8000...
{ page: 1,
per_page: 3,
total: 12,
total_pages: 4,
[ { id: 1,
first_name: 'George',
last_name: 'Bluth',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg' },
{ id: 2,
first_name: 'Janet',
last_name: 'Weaver',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg' },
{ id: 3,
first_name: 'Emma',
last_name: 'Wong',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/olegpogodaev/128.jpg' } ] }
TypeError: dispatch is not a function
at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/js/actions/fetchApiTestAction.js:17:7)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

this means that im getting the data from api but why dispatch is not a function ????

share|improve this question

  • Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
    – Josep
    Nov 12 at 10:52


i have a problem with redux-thunk, it just doesn't pass the dispatch to my action creator, i'm loggin it but it is still undefined:

here is my action creator:

import * as types from './actionTypes'
import Service from '../service'

export const fetchFromApi = payload => {
return { type: types.FETCH_FROM_API_TEST, payload }

export const fetchApiTestAction = () => dispatch => {
return Service.GetUsers().then( _data => {
dispatch(fetchFromApi( _data.data )) // you can even distructure taht like fetchFromApi(({ data }))
}).catch ( err => {
// error catching here
// you can even call an failure action here...
// but sorry about it , i have no time for that , im sorry :(
throw (err)

here is my Service js class

// Basic fetch
async basicFetch(url, options, headers = this.authernticateHeader) {
let fetchOptions = {}
if(options.headers) {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',
} else {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',

// log before sending the request...
// console.log(url, fetchOptions, fetchOptions.headers.get('Content-Type') )

try {
const response = await fetch(
{ ...fetchOptions }

if(!response.ok) {
throw {
message: response.statusText,
api: `${options.method} ${this.serverAddress}`

const responseJson = await response.json()
return responseJson
} catch(err) {
throw { ...err }

GetUsers = () => {
return this.basicFetch(this.urls.GET_USERS, {
method: 'GET'

here is my routes .js file

import { fetchApiTestAction } from './actions/fetchApiTestAction'

const routes = [

path: '/',
exact: true,
component: Home,
fetchInitialData: fetchApiTestAction()
path: '/about',
component: About
path: '/contact',
component: Contact


and here is my server.js file

app.get('/*', (req, res, next) => {

const activeRoute = routes.find( route => matchPath(req.url, route) ) || {}

const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData()
: Promise.resolve()

_promise.then( () => {

const store = configureStore()
const markup = renderToString(

<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={{}}>
<Provider store={store}>
<App />

const initialBrowserTabText = 'hi there from home page...'
const initialState = store.getState() || {}

const _template = template( initialBrowserTabText, initialState, markup )

}).catch(err => {

i havent faced with this kind of problem so far. when i console.log(dispatch) inside of my action creator(before return part) it is undefined. i should say that here is what my terminal shows to me:

Server is listening on port 8000...
{ page: 1,
per_page: 3,
total: 12,
total_pages: 4,
[ { id: 1,
first_name: 'George',
last_name: 'Bluth',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg' },
{ id: 2,
first_name: 'Janet',
last_name: 'Weaver',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg' },
{ id: 3,
first_name: 'Emma',
last_name: 'Wong',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/olegpogodaev/128.jpg' } ] }
TypeError: dispatch is not a function
at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/js/actions/fetchApiTestAction.js:17:7)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

this means that im getting the data from api but why dispatch is not a function ????

share|improve this question

  • Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
    – Josep
    Nov 12 at 10:52




i have a problem with redux-thunk, it just doesn't pass the dispatch to my action creator, i'm loggin it but it is still undefined:

here is my action creator:

import * as types from './actionTypes'
import Service from '../service'

export const fetchFromApi = payload => {
return { type: types.FETCH_FROM_API_TEST, payload }

export const fetchApiTestAction = () => dispatch => {
return Service.GetUsers().then( _data => {
dispatch(fetchFromApi( _data.data )) // you can even distructure taht like fetchFromApi(({ data }))
}).catch ( err => {
// error catching here
// you can even call an failure action here...
// but sorry about it , i have no time for that , im sorry :(
throw (err)

here is my Service js class

// Basic fetch
async basicFetch(url, options, headers = this.authernticateHeader) {
let fetchOptions = {}
if(options.headers) {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',
} else {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',

// log before sending the request...
// console.log(url, fetchOptions, fetchOptions.headers.get('Content-Type') )

try {
const response = await fetch(
{ ...fetchOptions }

if(!response.ok) {
throw {
message: response.statusText,
api: `${options.method} ${this.serverAddress}`

const responseJson = await response.json()
return responseJson
} catch(err) {
throw { ...err }

GetUsers = () => {
return this.basicFetch(this.urls.GET_USERS, {
method: 'GET'

here is my routes .js file

import { fetchApiTestAction } from './actions/fetchApiTestAction'

const routes = [

path: '/',
exact: true,
component: Home,
fetchInitialData: fetchApiTestAction()
path: '/about',
component: About
path: '/contact',
component: Contact


and here is my server.js file

app.get('/*', (req, res, next) => {

const activeRoute = routes.find( route => matchPath(req.url, route) ) || {}

const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData()
: Promise.resolve()

_promise.then( () => {

const store = configureStore()
const markup = renderToString(

<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={{}}>
<Provider store={store}>
<App />

const initialBrowserTabText = 'hi there from home page...'
const initialState = store.getState() || {}

const _template = template( initialBrowserTabText, initialState, markup )

}).catch(err => {

i havent faced with this kind of problem so far. when i console.log(dispatch) inside of my action creator(before return part) it is undefined. i should say that here is what my terminal shows to me:

Server is listening on port 8000...
{ page: 1,
per_page: 3,
total: 12,
total_pages: 4,
[ { id: 1,
first_name: 'George',
last_name: 'Bluth',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg' },
{ id: 2,
first_name: 'Janet',
last_name: 'Weaver',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg' },
{ id: 3,
first_name: 'Emma',
last_name: 'Wong',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/olegpogodaev/128.jpg' } ] }
TypeError: dispatch is not a function
at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/js/actions/fetchApiTestAction.js:17:7)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

this means that im getting the data from api but why dispatch is not a function ????

share|improve this question

i have a problem with redux-thunk, it just doesn't pass the dispatch to my action creator, i'm loggin it but it is still undefined:

here is my action creator:

import * as types from './actionTypes'
import Service from '../service'

export const fetchFromApi = payload => {
return { type: types.FETCH_FROM_API_TEST, payload }

export const fetchApiTestAction = () => dispatch => {
return Service.GetUsers().then( _data => {
dispatch(fetchFromApi( _data.data )) // you can even distructure taht like fetchFromApi(({ data }))
}).catch ( err => {
// error catching here
// you can even call an failure action here...
// but sorry about it , i have no time for that , im sorry :(
throw (err)

here is my Service js class

// Basic fetch
async basicFetch(url, options, headers = this.authernticateHeader) {
let fetchOptions = {}
if(options.headers) {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',
} else {
fetchOptions = {
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'default',

// log before sending the request...
// console.log(url, fetchOptions, fetchOptions.headers.get('Content-Type') )

try {
const response = await fetch(
{ ...fetchOptions }

if(!response.ok) {
throw {
message: response.statusText,
api: `${options.method} ${this.serverAddress}`

const responseJson = await response.json()
return responseJson
} catch(err) {
throw { ...err }

GetUsers = () => {
return this.basicFetch(this.urls.GET_USERS, {
method: 'GET'

here is my routes .js file

import { fetchApiTestAction } from './actions/fetchApiTestAction'

const routes = [

path: '/',
exact: true,
component: Home,
fetchInitialData: fetchApiTestAction()
path: '/about',
component: About
path: '/contact',
component: Contact


and here is my server.js file

app.get('/*', (req, res, next) => {

const activeRoute = routes.find( route => matchPath(req.url, route) ) || {}

const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData()
: Promise.resolve()

_promise.then( () => {

const store = configureStore()
const markup = renderToString(

<StaticRouter location={req.url} context={{}}>
<Provider store={store}>
<App />

const initialBrowserTabText = 'hi there from home page...'
const initialState = store.getState() || {}

const _template = template( initialBrowserTabText, initialState, markup )

}).catch(err => {

i havent faced with this kind of problem so far. when i console.log(dispatch) inside of my action creator(before return part) it is undefined. i should say that here is what my terminal shows to me:

Server is listening on port 8000...
{ page: 1,
per_page: 3,
total: 12,
total_pages: 4,
[ { id: 1,
first_name: 'George',
last_name: 'Bluth',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/calebogden/128.jpg' },
{ id: 2,
first_name: 'Janet',
last_name: 'Weaver',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/josephstein/128.jpg' },
{ id: 3,
first_name: 'Emma',
last_name: 'Wong',
avatar: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/olegpogodaev/128.jpg' } ] }
TypeError: dispatch is not a function
at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/js/actions/fetchApiTestAction.js:17:7)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

this means that im getting the data from api but why dispatch is not a function ????

javascript reactjs redux react-redux redux-thunk

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edited Nov 12 at 4:45

asked Nov 12 at 4:25




  • Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
    – Josep
    Nov 12 at 10:52

  • Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
    – Josep
    Nov 12 at 10:52

Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
– Josep
Nov 12 at 10:52

Why would it be a function in the first place? You are running fetchInitialData even before you configure the redux-store... dispatch is a property of the redux-store, if you don't have a redux-store, then you can't dispatch... Also, notice that activeRoute.fetchInitialData is not a thunk... If it was a thunk it would be dispatched.
– Josep
Nov 12 at 10:52

1 Answer





That won't work unless you pass the redux-store dispatch property when you invoke fetchInitialData... Something like this:

  const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData 
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
: Promise.resolve()

The real problem is that your redux-store doesn't even exist at that point, because you are configuring it after that promise has finished... So that's something else that you will have to address.

share|improve this answer

  • first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 12:45

  • you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 20:25

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1 Answer




1 Answer











That won't work unless you pass the redux-store dispatch property when you invoke fetchInitialData... Something like this:

  const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData 
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
: Promise.resolve()

The real problem is that your redux-store doesn't even exist at that point, because you are configuring it after that promise has finished... So that's something else that you will have to address.

share|improve this answer

  • first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 12:45

  • you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 20:25


That won't work unless you pass the redux-store dispatch property when you invoke fetchInitialData... Something like this:

  const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData 
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
: Promise.resolve()

The real problem is that your redux-store doesn't even exist at that point, because you are configuring it after that promise has finished... So that's something else that you will have to address.

share|improve this answer

  • first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 12:45

  • you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 20:25




That won't work unless you pass the redux-store dispatch property when you invoke fetchInitialData... Something like this:

  const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData 
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
: Promise.resolve()

The real problem is that your redux-store doesn't even exist at that point, because you are configuring it after that promise has finished... So that's something else that you will have to address.

share|improve this answer

That won't work unless you pass the redux-store dispatch property when you invoke fetchInitialData... Something like this:

  const _promise = activeRoute.fetchInitialData 
? activeRoute.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
: Promise.resolve()

The real problem is that your redux-store doesn't even exist at that point, because you are configuring it after that promise has finished... So that's something else that you will have to address.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 12 at 11:01




  • first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 12:45

  • you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 20:25

  • first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 12:45

  • you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
    – a_m_dev
    Nov 12 at 20:25

first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
– a_m_dev
Nov 12 at 12:45

first off, thank you for your respond, but how can i configure my store that it could be available for server side at the time that server needs to dispatch an action to fetch data from an endPoin??? that fetchInitialData ends up in my service.js config file , how that could be possible to instantiate store in my service.js file? how could it possible?
– a_m_dev
Nov 12 at 12:45

you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
– a_m_dev
Nov 12 at 20:25

you are a masterpiece , take care of your self , and many many many thanks for answering me the god damn right answer. love you...
– a_m_dev
Nov 12 at 20:25

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