
Showing posts from March 1, 2019

Linq on nested Dictionary

0 I have a dictionary of dictionary and I want to find a value from inner dictionary by Linq . My code is: private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>> SubCategoryDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>>(); private Dictionary<int, string> BGA_Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); private Dictionary<int, string> Lead3D_Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); private Dictionary<int, string> Lead2D_Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); private Dictionary<int, string> Leadless_Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); private Dictionary<int, string> PIC_Dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>(); In my constructor I have all values like this:-- BGA_Dictionary.Add(1, ...
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