Cuda Mean Filter C + 3*3 sliding window

up vote
down vote


I am working on an assignment to create a 3 by 3 sliding window on a 256 by 256 matrix of random values between 0-31. Here im testing it on a 16 by 16 array. Im trying to solve it using 1 block with 16*16 threads, but am open to other suggestions. I am getting a bounds error for the kernel launch. I as you can see with the comments, I tried to implement a boundary to fix the problem, but this resulted in approximately 200 additional errors. I believe something is wrong with the way that I am indexing, but I cant figure out how to fix it. The errors that I am getting now, are that I am out of bounds for threads (0,x,0) block (0,0,0) for x between 1-16. I understand that this is because the kernel is trying to take idx-1 when idx is 0, or idy-1 when idy is 0, but for some reason I cant fix the issue.
Please advise.

#define MAXR 16
#define MAXC 16

__global__ void imagefilter(float **intermediates_d, int **result_d) {
int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
//result_d[2][2]= 5;
//if ((idx < 15) & (idy < 15)){
//result_d[2][2]= 5;
//if((idx>0) & (idy>0)){
result_d[idx][idy] = (int) ( (float) (intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy - 1]
+ intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy]
+ intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy + 1]
+ intermediates_d[idx][idy - 1] + intermediates_d[idx][idy]
+ intermediates_d[idx][idy + 1]
+ intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy - 1]
+ intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy]
+ intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy + 1]) );

// result_d[2][2]= 5;


int main(void)
int i, j;
//double cpu_time_used;
float intermediates[MAXR][MAXC]; // taking input matrix and converting it to floating
int matrix[MAXR][MAXC]; // This is the input matrix from file
int result[MAXR][MAXC];//={{0}}; //This is where we want to write the mean values. For now set to zeros
float **intermediates_d;
//int **matrix_d;
int **result_d;

int datasize_f = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(float);
int datasize_i = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(int);
//Allocate memory on the host.
cudaMalloc((void**) &intermediates_d, datasize_f);
//cudaMalloc((void**) &matrix_d, datasize);
cudaMalloc((void**) &result_d, datasize_i);

FILE *fp;
fp =fopen("arrays16.txt","r"); // reads in matrix
//clock_t start =clock();
for(i=0;i< MAXR;i++) // this loop takes the information from .txt file and puts it into arr1 matrix
for(j=0;j<MAXC;j++) {

//This is where we convert the input matrix into floating point in intermediate matrix
for (int y = 0; y < MAXR; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < MAXC; x++) {
intermediates[y][x] = (float) matrix[y][x];

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
printf("%.2f", intermediates[i][j]);


// copying the data from the host array to the device array
//cudaMemcpy(matrix_d, matrix, datasize,
cudaMemcpy(intermediates_d, intermediates, 4*datasize_f,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(result_d, result, datasize_i,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

/* applies mean filter to the original inputed matrix
* uses floor function to truncate the mean value for
* a 3 x 3 sliding window
* */

// how many blocks we will allocate
dim3 blocks(1,1);

//how many threads per block we will allocate
dim3 threadsPerBlock(16,16);

//Launch Kernel
imagefilter<<<blocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(intermediates_d,result_d);

//Copy back Results Matrix.
cudaMemcpy(result, result_d, datasize_f,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

cudaError_t errSync = cudaGetLastError();
cudaError_t errAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
if (errSync != cudaSuccess)
printf("Sync kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errSync));
if (errAsync != cudaSuccess)
printf("Async kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errAsync));

FILE *file;
file = fopen("results.txt", "w+"); // writes matrix to file

for (i = 1; i < 16 - 1; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
for (j = 1; j < 16 - 1; j++) {
printf("%3dt", result[i][j]);
fprintf(file, "%3dt", result[i][j]);

fprintf(file, "n");



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    up vote
    down vote


    I am working on an assignment to create a 3 by 3 sliding window on a 256 by 256 matrix of random values between 0-31. Here im testing it on a 16 by 16 array. Im trying to solve it using 1 block with 16*16 threads, but am open to other suggestions. I am getting a bounds error for the kernel launch. I as you can see with the comments, I tried to implement a boundary to fix the problem, but this resulted in approximately 200 additional errors. I believe something is wrong with the way that I am indexing, but I cant figure out how to fix it. The errors that I am getting now, are that I am out of bounds for threads (0,x,0) block (0,0,0) for x between 1-16. I understand that this is because the kernel is trying to take idx-1 when idx is 0, or idy-1 when idy is 0, but for some reason I cant fix the issue.
    Please advise.

    #define MAXR 16
    #define MAXC 16

    __global__ void imagefilter(float **intermediates_d, int **result_d) {
    int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    int idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
    //result_d[2][2]= 5;
    //if ((idx < 15) & (idy < 15)){
    //result_d[2][2]= 5;
    //if((idx>0) & (idy>0)){
    result_d[idx][idy] = (int) ( (float) (intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy - 1]
    + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy]
    + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy + 1]
    + intermediates_d[idx][idy - 1] + intermediates_d[idx][idy]
    + intermediates_d[idx][idy + 1]
    + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy - 1]
    + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy]
    + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy + 1]) );

    // result_d[2][2]= 5;


    int main(void)
    int i, j;
    //double cpu_time_used;
    float intermediates[MAXR][MAXC]; // taking input matrix and converting it to floating
    int matrix[MAXR][MAXC]; // This is the input matrix from file
    int result[MAXR][MAXC];//={{0}}; //This is where we want to write the mean values. For now set to zeros
    float **intermediates_d;
    //int **matrix_d;
    int **result_d;

    int datasize_f = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(float);
    int datasize_i = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(int);
    //Allocate memory on the host.
    cudaMalloc((void**) &intermediates_d, datasize_f);
    //cudaMalloc((void**) &matrix_d, datasize);
    cudaMalloc((void**) &result_d, datasize_i);

    FILE *fp;
    fp =fopen("arrays16.txt","r"); // reads in matrix
    //clock_t start =clock();
    for(i=0;i< MAXR;i++) // this loop takes the information from .txt file and puts it into arr1 matrix
    for(j=0;j<MAXC;j++) {

    //This is where we convert the input matrix into floating point in intermediate matrix
    for (int y = 0; y < MAXR; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < MAXC; x++) {
    intermediates[y][x] = (float) matrix[y][x];

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
    printf("%.2f", intermediates[i][j]);


    // copying the data from the host array to the device array
    //cudaMemcpy(matrix_d, matrix, datasize,
    cudaMemcpy(intermediates_d, intermediates, 4*datasize_f,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(result_d, result, datasize_i,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    /* applies mean filter to the original inputed matrix
    * uses floor function to truncate the mean value for
    * a 3 x 3 sliding window
    * */

    // how many blocks we will allocate
    dim3 blocks(1,1);

    //how many threads per block we will allocate
    dim3 threadsPerBlock(16,16);

    //Launch Kernel
    imagefilter<<<blocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(intermediates_d,result_d);

    //Copy back Results Matrix.
    cudaMemcpy(result, result_d, datasize_f,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    cudaError_t errSync = cudaGetLastError();
    cudaError_t errAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    if (errSync != cudaSuccess)
    printf("Sync kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errSync));
    if (errAsync != cudaSuccess)
    printf("Async kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errAsync));

    FILE *file;
    file = fopen("results.txt", "w+"); // writes matrix to file

    for (i = 1; i < 16 - 1; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
    for (j = 1; j < 16 - 1; j++) {
    printf("%3dt", result[i][j]);
    fprintf(file, "%3dt", result[i][j]);

    fprintf(file, "n");



    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I am working on an assignment to create a 3 by 3 sliding window on a 256 by 256 matrix of random values between 0-31. Here im testing it on a 16 by 16 array. Im trying to solve it using 1 block with 16*16 threads, but am open to other suggestions. I am getting a bounds error for the kernel launch. I as you can see with the comments, I tried to implement a boundary to fix the problem, but this resulted in approximately 200 additional errors. I believe something is wrong with the way that I am indexing, but I cant figure out how to fix it. The errors that I am getting now, are that I am out of bounds for threads (0,x,0) block (0,0,0) for x between 1-16. I understand that this is because the kernel is trying to take idx-1 when idx is 0, or idy-1 when idy is 0, but for some reason I cant fix the issue.
      Please advise.

      #define MAXR 16
      #define MAXC 16

      __global__ void imagefilter(float **intermediates_d, int **result_d) {
      int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
      int idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
      //result_d[2][2]= 5;
      //if ((idx < 15) & (idy < 15)){
      //result_d[2][2]= 5;
      //if((idx>0) & (idy>0)){
      result_d[idx][idy] = (int) ( (float) (intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy - 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy + 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx][idy - 1] + intermediates_d[idx][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx][idy + 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy - 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy + 1]) );

      // result_d[2][2]= 5;


      int main(void)
      int i, j;
      //double cpu_time_used;
      float intermediates[MAXR][MAXC]; // taking input matrix and converting it to floating
      int matrix[MAXR][MAXC]; // This is the input matrix from file
      int result[MAXR][MAXC];//={{0}}; //This is where we want to write the mean values. For now set to zeros
      float **intermediates_d;
      //int **matrix_d;
      int **result_d;

      int datasize_f = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(float);
      int datasize_i = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(int);
      //Allocate memory on the host.
      cudaMalloc((void**) &intermediates_d, datasize_f);
      //cudaMalloc((void**) &matrix_d, datasize);
      cudaMalloc((void**) &result_d, datasize_i);

      FILE *fp;
      fp =fopen("arrays16.txt","r"); // reads in matrix
      //clock_t start =clock();
      for(i=0;i< MAXR;i++) // this loop takes the information from .txt file and puts it into arr1 matrix
      for(j=0;j<MAXC;j++) {

      //This is where we convert the input matrix into floating point in intermediate matrix
      for (int y = 0; y < MAXR; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < MAXC; x++) {
      intermediates[y][x] = (float) matrix[y][x];

      for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
      for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
      printf("%.2f", intermediates[i][j]);


      // copying the data from the host array to the device array
      //cudaMemcpy(matrix_d, matrix, datasize,
      cudaMemcpy(intermediates_d, intermediates, 4*datasize_f,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
      cudaMemcpy(result_d, result, datasize_i,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

      /* applies mean filter to the original inputed matrix
      * uses floor function to truncate the mean value for
      * a 3 x 3 sliding window
      * */

      // how many blocks we will allocate
      dim3 blocks(1,1);

      //how many threads per block we will allocate
      dim3 threadsPerBlock(16,16);

      //Launch Kernel
      imagefilter<<<blocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(intermediates_d,result_d);

      //Copy back Results Matrix.
      cudaMemcpy(result, result_d, datasize_f,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

      cudaError_t errSync = cudaGetLastError();
      cudaError_t errAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
      if (errSync != cudaSuccess)
      printf("Sync kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errSync));
      if (errAsync != cudaSuccess)
      printf("Async kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errAsync));

      FILE *file;
      file = fopen("results.txt", "w+"); // writes matrix to file

      for (i = 1; i < 16 - 1; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
      for (j = 1; j < 16 - 1; j++) {
      printf("%3dt", result[i][j]);
      fprintf(file, "%3dt", result[i][j]);

      fprintf(file, "n");



      share|improve this question

      I am working on an assignment to create a 3 by 3 sliding window on a 256 by 256 matrix of random values between 0-31. Here im testing it on a 16 by 16 array. Im trying to solve it using 1 block with 16*16 threads, but am open to other suggestions. I am getting a bounds error for the kernel launch. I as you can see with the comments, I tried to implement a boundary to fix the problem, but this resulted in approximately 200 additional errors. I believe something is wrong with the way that I am indexing, but I cant figure out how to fix it. The errors that I am getting now, are that I am out of bounds for threads (0,x,0) block (0,0,0) for x between 1-16. I understand that this is because the kernel is trying to take idx-1 when idx is 0, or idy-1 when idy is 0, but for some reason I cant fix the issue.
      Please advise.

      #define MAXR 16
      #define MAXC 16

      __global__ void imagefilter(float **intermediates_d, int **result_d) {
      int idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
      int idy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
      //result_d[2][2]= 5;
      //if ((idx < 15) & (idy < 15)){
      //result_d[2][2]= 5;
      //if((idx>0) & (idy>0)){
      result_d[idx][idy] = (int) ( (float) (intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy - 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx - 1][idy + 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx][idy - 1] + intermediates_d[idx][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx][idy + 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy - 1]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy]
      + intermediates_d[idx + 1][idy + 1]) );

      // result_d[2][2]= 5;


      int main(void)
      int i, j;
      //double cpu_time_used;
      float intermediates[MAXR][MAXC]; // taking input matrix and converting it to floating
      int matrix[MAXR][MAXC]; // This is the input matrix from file
      int result[MAXR][MAXC];//={{0}}; //This is where we want to write the mean values. For now set to zeros
      float **intermediates_d;
      //int **matrix_d;
      int **result_d;

      int datasize_f = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(float);
      int datasize_i = MAXR*MAXC*sizeof(int);
      //Allocate memory on the host.
      cudaMalloc((void**) &intermediates_d, datasize_f);
      //cudaMalloc((void**) &matrix_d, datasize);
      cudaMalloc((void**) &result_d, datasize_i);

      FILE *fp;
      fp =fopen("arrays16.txt","r"); // reads in matrix
      //clock_t start =clock();
      for(i=0;i< MAXR;i++) // this loop takes the information from .txt file and puts it into arr1 matrix
      for(j=0;j<MAXC;j++) {

      //This is where we convert the input matrix into floating point in intermediate matrix
      for (int y = 0; y < MAXR; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < MAXC; x++) {
      intermediates[y][x] = (float) matrix[y][x];

      for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
      for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
      printf("%.2f", intermediates[i][j]);


      // copying the data from the host array to the device array
      //cudaMemcpy(matrix_d, matrix, datasize,
      cudaMemcpy(intermediates_d, intermediates, 4*datasize_f,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
      cudaMemcpy(result_d, result, datasize_i,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

      /* applies mean filter to the original inputed matrix
      * uses floor function to truncate the mean value for
      * a 3 x 3 sliding window
      * */

      // how many blocks we will allocate
      dim3 blocks(1,1);

      //how many threads per block we will allocate
      dim3 threadsPerBlock(16,16);

      //Launch Kernel
      imagefilter<<<blocks, threadsPerBlock>>>(intermediates_d,result_d);

      //Copy back Results Matrix.
      cudaMemcpy(result, result_d, datasize_f,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

      cudaError_t errSync = cudaGetLastError();
      cudaError_t errAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
      if (errSync != cudaSuccess)
      printf("Sync kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errSync));
      if (errAsync != cudaSuccess)
      printf("Async kernel error: %sn", cudaGetErrorString(errAsync));

      FILE *file;
      file = fopen("results.txt", "w+"); // writes matrix to file

      for (i = 1; i < 16 - 1; i++) { // prints out the results array to .txt file
      for (j = 1; j < 16 - 1; j++) {
      printf("%3dt", result[i][j]);
      fprintf(file, "%3dt", result[i][j]);

      fprintf(file, "n");



      filter cuda gpu mean

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      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 11 at 21:10




      asked Nov 10 at 18:24

      Eden Shuster






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