Angular 6 *ngFor display different styles for first, odd, even and last


I am learning Angular 6 and just trying to put togheter some of the stuff I have learned and I am currently running into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. I am trying to change the style of a LI using *ngFor depending if the index is First, Last, Odd or Even. So far everything works but I can't figure out how to do it for the Last because everything I add a new object to my list, it is obviously the last so it render the color for the last.

I understand how to do it but the real problem is that I am adding stuff dynamicly to my list from a form and I'm not sure how to evaluate the Last so that the others become to right color.

Keep in mind that I am still a newb and it might look messy and I also understand that some client-side validations I am doing are probably not optimal or required since HTMl5 but I made it to learn.

Here is my code for my component HTML


<h1>List of courses :</h1><br>
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; then coursesList else noCourses"></div>

<ng-template #coursesList>
<h2>List of Courses :</h2>
<ul *ngFor="let course of courses; index as i;">
<li [ngStyle]="{'background-color':getColor(i)}" style="color: white;">
<strong>Index : </strong>{{i}} <strong>ID : </strong>{{}} <strong>Name</strong> : {{}}
<button (click)="onRemove(i)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="onModify(i)">Modify</button>
<ng-template #noCourses>
<h5>There are no courses in this list. Use the form bellow to add some.</h5>

<div (keyup.enter)="onAdd()">
<span>ID : <input type="number" (keypress)="checkNumber($event)" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter an ID"></span>
<span>Name : <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter a NAME"></span>
<button (click)="onAdd()">Add</button>
<button (click)="onClear()">Clear</button>
<div *ngIf="isNotNumber" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>ID can only be numbers !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>Please fill all fields !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noModifyValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>To modify enter all informations!</strong></div>

Code for .TS


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
noValues: boolean;
noModifyValues: boolean;
isNotNumber: boolean;
fields: Courses = {id: null, name: null};
courses: Array<Courses> = ;
viewMode: string = null;

checkNumber($event) {
if ($event.keyCode != 13) {
isFinite($event.key) ? this.isNotNumber = false : this.isNotNumber = true;

onAdd() {

if (! || ! {
this.noValues = true;
} else {{id:, name:}); = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onRemove(i) {, 1);

onClear() { = ; = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onModify(i) {
if (! || ! {
this.noModifyValues = true;
} else {[i].name =;[i].id =;
this.noModifyValues = false;


if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
return 'red';
interface Courses {
id: number;
name: string;

Image of the code in action for better understanding.

share|improve this question

  • If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

    – Eliseo
    Nov 13 '18 at 8:15


I am learning Angular 6 and just trying to put togheter some of the stuff I have learned and I am currently running into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. I am trying to change the style of a LI using *ngFor depending if the index is First, Last, Odd or Even. So far everything works but I can't figure out how to do it for the Last because everything I add a new object to my list, it is obviously the last so it render the color for the last.

I understand how to do it but the real problem is that I am adding stuff dynamicly to my list from a form and I'm not sure how to evaluate the Last so that the others become to right color.

Keep in mind that I am still a newb and it might look messy and I also understand that some client-side validations I am doing are probably not optimal or required since HTMl5 but I made it to learn.

Here is my code for my component HTML


<h1>List of courses :</h1><br>
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; then coursesList else noCourses"></div>

<ng-template #coursesList>
<h2>List of Courses :</h2>
<ul *ngFor="let course of courses; index as i;">
<li [ngStyle]="{'background-color':getColor(i)}" style="color: white;">
<strong>Index : </strong>{{i}} <strong>ID : </strong>{{}} <strong>Name</strong> : {{}}
<button (click)="onRemove(i)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="onModify(i)">Modify</button>
<ng-template #noCourses>
<h5>There are no courses in this list. Use the form bellow to add some.</h5>

<div (keyup.enter)="onAdd()">
<span>ID : <input type="number" (keypress)="checkNumber($event)" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter an ID"></span>
<span>Name : <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter a NAME"></span>
<button (click)="onAdd()">Add</button>
<button (click)="onClear()">Clear</button>
<div *ngIf="isNotNumber" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>ID can only be numbers !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>Please fill all fields !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noModifyValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>To modify enter all informations!</strong></div>

Code for .TS


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
noValues: boolean;
noModifyValues: boolean;
isNotNumber: boolean;
fields: Courses = {id: null, name: null};
courses: Array<Courses> = ;
viewMode: string = null;

checkNumber($event) {
if ($event.keyCode != 13) {
isFinite($event.key) ? this.isNotNumber = false : this.isNotNumber = true;

onAdd() {

if (! || ! {
this.noValues = true;
} else {{id:, name:}); = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onRemove(i) {, 1);

onClear() { = ; = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onModify(i) {
if (! || ! {
this.noModifyValues = true;
} else {[i].name =;[i].id =;
this.noModifyValues = false;


if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
return 'red';
interface Courses {
id: number;
name: string;

Image of the code in action for better understanding.

share|improve this question

  • If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

    – Eliseo
    Nov 13 '18 at 8:15




I am learning Angular 6 and just trying to put togheter some of the stuff I have learned and I am currently running into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. I am trying to change the style of a LI using *ngFor depending if the index is First, Last, Odd or Even. So far everything works but I can't figure out how to do it for the Last because everything I add a new object to my list, it is obviously the last so it render the color for the last.

I understand how to do it but the real problem is that I am adding stuff dynamicly to my list from a form and I'm not sure how to evaluate the Last so that the others become to right color.

Keep in mind that I am still a newb and it might look messy and I also understand that some client-side validations I am doing are probably not optimal or required since HTMl5 but I made it to learn.

Here is my code for my component HTML


<h1>List of courses :</h1><br>
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; then coursesList else noCourses"></div>

<ng-template #coursesList>
<h2>List of Courses :</h2>
<ul *ngFor="let course of courses; index as i;">
<li [ngStyle]="{'background-color':getColor(i)}" style="color: white;">
<strong>Index : </strong>{{i}} <strong>ID : </strong>{{}} <strong>Name</strong> : {{}}
<button (click)="onRemove(i)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="onModify(i)">Modify</button>
<ng-template #noCourses>
<h5>There are no courses in this list. Use the form bellow to add some.</h5>

<div (keyup.enter)="onAdd()">
<span>ID : <input type="number" (keypress)="checkNumber($event)" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter an ID"></span>
<span>Name : <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter a NAME"></span>
<button (click)="onAdd()">Add</button>
<button (click)="onClear()">Clear</button>
<div *ngIf="isNotNumber" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>ID can only be numbers !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>Please fill all fields !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noModifyValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>To modify enter all informations!</strong></div>

Code for .TS


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
noValues: boolean;
noModifyValues: boolean;
isNotNumber: boolean;
fields: Courses = {id: null, name: null};
courses: Array<Courses> = ;
viewMode: string = null;

checkNumber($event) {
if ($event.keyCode != 13) {
isFinite($event.key) ? this.isNotNumber = false : this.isNotNumber = true;

onAdd() {

if (! || ! {
this.noValues = true;
} else {{id:, name:}); = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onRemove(i) {, 1);

onClear() { = ; = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onModify(i) {
if (! || ! {
this.noModifyValues = true;
} else {[i].name =;[i].id =;
this.noModifyValues = false;


if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
return 'red';
interface Courses {
id: number;
name: string;

Image of the code in action for better understanding.

share|improve this question

I am learning Angular 6 and just trying to put togheter some of the stuff I have learned and I am currently running into an issue that I cannot find an answer to. I am trying to change the style of a LI using *ngFor depending if the index is First, Last, Odd or Even. So far everything works but I can't figure out how to do it for the Last because everything I add a new object to my list, it is obviously the last so it render the color for the last.

I understand how to do it but the real problem is that I am adding stuff dynamicly to my list from a form and I'm not sure how to evaluate the Last so that the others become to right color.

Keep in mind that I am still a newb and it might look messy and I also understand that some client-side validations I am doing are probably not optimal or required since HTMl5 but I made it to learn.

Here is my code for my component HTML


<h1>List of courses :</h1><br>
<div *ngIf="courses.length > 0; then coursesList else noCourses"></div>

<ng-template #coursesList>
<h2>List of Courses :</h2>
<ul *ngFor="let course of courses; index as i;">
<li [ngStyle]="{'background-color':getColor(i)}" style="color: white;">
<strong>Index : </strong>{{i}} <strong>ID : </strong>{{}} <strong>Name</strong> : {{}}
<button (click)="onRemove(i)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="onModify(i)">Modify</button>
<ng-template #noCourses>
<h5>There are no courses in this list. Use the form bellow to add some.</h5>

<div (keyup.enter)="onAdd()">
<span>ID : <input type="number" (keypress)="checkNumber($event)" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter an ID"></span>
<span>Name : <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Enter a NAME"></span>
<button (click)="onAdd()">Add</button>
<button (click)="onClear()">Clear</button>
<div *ngIf="isNotNumber" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>ID can only be numbers !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>Please fill all fields !</strong></div>
<div *ngIf="noModifyValues" style="background-color: red; color:black"><strong>To modify enter all informations!</strong></div>

Code for .TS


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
noValues: boolean;
noModifyValues: boolean;
isNotNumber: boolean;
fields: Courses = {id: null, name: null};
courses: Array<Courses> = ;
viewMode: string = null;

checkNumber($event) {
if ($event.keyCode != 13) {
isFinite($event.key) ? this.isNotNumber = false : this.isNotNumber = true;

onAdd() {

if (! || ! {
this.noValues = true;
} else {{id:, name:}); = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onRemove(i) {, 1);

onClear() { = ; = null; = null;
this.noValues = false;

onModify(i) {
if (! || ! {
this.noModifyValues = true;
} else {[i].name =;[i].id =;
this.noModifyValues = false;


if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
return 'red';
interface Courses {
id: number;
name: string;

Image of the code in action for better understanding.

arrays angular typescript angular6

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share|improve this question

asked Nov 13 '18 at 3:01

Jean-Philippe DufourJean-Philippe Dufour



  • If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

    – Eliseo
    Nov 13 '18 at 8:15

  • If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

    – Eliseo
    Nov 13 '18 at 8:15

If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

– Eliseo
Nov 13 '18 at 8:15

If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html, see my answer

– Eliseo
Nov 13 '18 at 8:15

4 Answers





Try something like this

if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
if ( && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
return 'red';

Hope it works - Happy coding !!

share|improve this answer

  • You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

    – Rahul
    Nov 13 '18 at 3:45


If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html

<ul *ngFor="let course of courses; let index=i;
let odd=odd;
let last=last;
let first=first">
<li [style.backgound-color]="first?'orange':last?'purple':odd?'blue':'red'">

share|improve this answer

  • That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

  • If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

    – Eliseo
    Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

  • thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 17 '18 at 6:06


Thanks Rahul. The part I was missing is evaluating if there is something in courses. However, I had to had a few more lines to Odd and Last as follow :

if ( && i != 0 && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0 && i != 'last'){i = 'odd';}
switch (i) {
case i = 0 : return 'orange';
case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
case i = 'last' : return 'purple';
return 'red';

Quick question. It seems like a whole lot of IF and && and checking specific things. Is that the way to do it properly?

share|improve this answer


    You could use if else ladder instead of mixing up if else and switch and assignments like given below

    return "orange";
    else if(
    return "purple";
    else if (i%2==0)
    return "red";
    return "blue";

    share|improve this answer

    • 1

      Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

    • When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

      – Mithil Mohan
      Nov 13 '18 at 5:39

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    4 Answers




    4 Answers











    Try something like this

    if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
    if ( && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
    switch (i) {
    case i = 0 : return 'orange';
    case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
    return 'red';

    Hope it works - Happy coding !!

    share|improve this answer

    • You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

      – Rahul
      Nov 13 '18 at 3:45


    Try something like this

    if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
    if ( && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
    switch (i) {
    case i = 0 : return 'orange';
    case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
    return 'red';

    Hope it works - Happy coding !!

    share|improve this answer

    • You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

      – Rahul
      Nov 13 '18 at 3:45




    Try something like this

    if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
    if ( && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
    switch (i) {
    case i = 0 : return 'orange';
    case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
    return 'red';

    Hope it works - Happy coding !!

    share|improve this answer

    Try something like this

    if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0){i = 'odd';}
    if ( && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
    switch (i) {
    case i = 0 : return 'orange';
    case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
    return 'red';

    Hope it works - Happy coding !!

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Nov 13 '18 at 3:31




    • You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

      – Rahul
      Nov 13 '18 at 3:45

    • You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

      – Rahul
      Nov 13 '18 at 3:45

    You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

    – Rahul
    Nov 13 '18 at 3:45

    You can use it as else if in case to avoid another condition :)

    – Rahul
    Nov 13 '18 at 3:45


    If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html

    <ul *ngFor="let course of courses; let index=i;
    let odd=odd;
    let last=last;
    let first=first">
    <li [style.backgound-color]="first?'orange':last?'purple':odd?'blue':'red'">

    share|improve this answer

    • That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    • If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

      – Eliseo
      Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    • thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 17 '18 at 6:06


    If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html

    <ul *ngFor="let course of courses; let index=i;
    let odd=odd;
    let last=last;
    let first=first">
    <li [style.backgound-color]="first?'orange':last?'purple':odd?'blue':'red'">

    share|improve this answer

    • That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    • If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

      – Eliseo
      Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    • thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 17 '18 at 6:06




    If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html

    <ul *ngFor="let course of courses; let index=i;
    let odd=odd;
    let last=last;
    let first=first">
    <li [style.backgound-color]="first?'orange':last?'purple':odd?'blue':'red'">

    share|improve this answer

    If you only want cange the background-color you can use [style.background-color] and you can use ternary operator in the .html

    <ul *ngFor="let course of courses; let index=i;
    let odd=odd;
    let last=last;
    let first=first">
    <li [style.backgound-color]="first?'orange':last?'purple':odd?'blue':'red'">

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Nov 13 '18 at 8:13




    • That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    • If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

      – Eliseo
      Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    • thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 17 '18 at 6:06

    • That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    • If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

      – Eliseo
      Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    • thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

      – Jean-Philippe Dufour
      Nov 17 '18 at 6:06

    That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    That's one good way to do it, I wanted to do it this way first but I didn't know you could use more than 1 condition in a short IF on a bind like that. By the way, is there a difference in performance with either ways? I understand this is just a style tho but what if we have ALOT Of values

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 13 '18 at 14:13

    If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

    – Eliseo
    Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    If you has a lot of values, you can use [className]="first?'class1':... where 'class1', 'class2' are style defining in your component.css. In perfomance a ternary opertor is always faster. I prefer not make a call to a function, but I'm not sure about performance

    – Eliseo
    Nov 16 '18 at 13:14

    thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 17 '18 at 6:06

    thanks for your input. I will defenitly look this up.

    – Jean-Philippe Dufour
    Nov 17 '18 at 6:06


    Thanks Rahul. The part I was missing is evaluating if there is something in courses. However, I had to had a few more lines to Odd and Last as follow :

    if ( && i != 0 && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
    if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0 && i != 'last'){i = 'odd';}
    switch (i) {
    case i = 0 : return 'orange';
    case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
    case i = 'last' : return 'purple';
    return 'red';

    Quick question. It seems like a whole lot of IF and && and checking specific things. Is that the way to do it properly?

    share|improve this answer


      Thanks Rahul. The part I was missing is evaluating if there is something in courses. However, I had to had a few more lines to Odd and Last as follow :

      if ( && i != 0 && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
      if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0 && i != 'last'){i = 'odd';}
      switch (i) {
      case i = 0 : return 'orange';
      case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
      case i = 'last' : return 'purple';
      return 'red';

      Quick question. It seems like a whole lot of IF and && and checking specific things. Is that the way to do it properly?

      share|improve this answer




        Thanks Rahul. The part I was missing is evaluating if there is something in courses. However, I had to had a few more lines to Odd and Last as follow :

        if ( && i != 0 && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
        if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0 && i != 'last'){i = 'odd';}
        switch (i) {
        case i = 0 : return 'orange';
        case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
        case i = 'last' : return 'purple';
        return 'red';

        Quick question. It seems like a whole lot of IF and && and checking specific things. Is that the way to do it properly?

        share|improve this answer

        Thanks Rahul. The part I was missing is evaluating if there is something in courses. However, I had to had a few more lines to Odd and Last as follow :

        if ( && i != 0 && ( - 1 === i)) {i = 'last'}
        if (i % 2 === 0 && i != 0 && i != 'last'){i = 'odd';}
        switch (i) {
        case i = 0 : return 'orange';
        case i = 'odd' : return 'blue';
        case i = 'last' : return 'purple';
        return 'red';

        Quick question. It seems like a whole lot of IF and && and checking specific things. Is that the way to do it properly?

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 13 '18 at 3:43

        Jean-Philippe DufourJean-Philippe Dufour




            You could use if else ladder instead of mixing up if else and switch and assignments like given below

            return "orange";
            else if(
            return "purple";
            else if (i%2==0)
            return "red";
            return "blue";

            share|improve this answer

            • 1

              Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

              – Jean-Philippe Dufour
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            • When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

              – Mithil Mohan
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:39


            You could use if else ladder instead of mixing up if else and switch and assignments like given below

            return "orange";
            else if(
            return "purple";
            else if (i%2==0)
            return "red";
            return "blue";

            share|improve this answer

            • 1

              Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

              – Jean-Philippe Dufour
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            • When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

              – Mithil Mohan
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:39




            You could use if else ladder instead of mixing up if else and switch and assignments like given below

            return "orange";
            else if(
            return "purple";
            else if (i%2==0)
            return "red";
            return "blue";

            share|improve this answer

            You could use if else ladder instead of mixing up if else and switch and assignments like given below

            return "orange";
            else if(
            return "purple";
            else if (i%2==0)
            return "red";
            return "blue";

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Nov 13 '18 at 5:30

            Mithil MohanMithil Mohan



            • 1

              Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

              – Jean-Philippe Dufour
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            • When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

              – Mithil Mohan
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:39

            • 1

              Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

              – Jean-Philippe Dufour
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            • When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

              – Mithil Mohan
              Nov 13 '18 at 5:39



            Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

            – Jean-Philippe Dufour
            Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            Would def make a cleaner and easier to understand code. Thanks for your input.

            – Jean-Philippe Dufour
            Nov 13 '18 at 5:38

            When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

            – Mithil Mohan
            Nov 13 '18 at 5:39

            When you have simpler alternatives, don't mix up and always welcome :)

            – Mithil Mohan
            Nov 13 '18 at 5:39

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