STM32F767ZI External Interrupt Handling


I'm attempting to create a proper SPI slave interface for an AD7768-4 ADC. The ADC has a SPI interface, but it doesn't output the conversions via SPI. Instead, there are data outputs that are clocked out on individual GPIO pins. So I basically need to bit-bang data, and output to SPI to get a proper slave SPI interface. Please don't ask why I'm doing it this way, it was assigned to me.

The issue I'm having is with the interrupts. I'm using the STM32F767ZI processor - it runs at 216 MHz, and my ADC data MUST BE clocked out at 20MHz. I've set up my NMIs but what I'm not seeing is where the system calls or points to the interrupt handler.

I used the STMCubeMX software to assign pins and generate the setup code, and in the stm32F7xx.c file, it shows the NMI_Handler() function, but I don't see a pointer to it anywhere in the system files. I also found void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler() function in STM32F7xx_hal_gpio.c, which appears to check if the pin is asserted, and clears any pending bits, but it doesn't reset the interrupt flag, or check it, and again, I see no pointer to this function.

To more thoroughly complicate things, I have 10 clock cycles to determine which flag is set (1 of two at a time), reset it, incerment a variable, and move data from the GPIO registers. I believe this is possible, but again, I'm uncertain of what the system is doing as soon as the interrupt is tripped.

Does anyone have any experience in working with external interrupts on this processor that could shed some light on how this particular system handles things? Again - 10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...


We changed the DCLK speed to 5.12 MHz (20.48 MHz MCLK/4) because at 2.56 MHz we had exactly 12.5 microseconds to pipe data out and set up for the next DRDY pulse, and 80 kHz speed gives us exactly zero margin. At 5.12 MHz, I have 41 clock cycles to run the interrupt routine, which I can reduce slightly if I skip checking the second flag and just handle incoming data. But I feel I must use the DRDY flag check at least, and use the routine to enable the second interrupt otherwise I'll be constantly interrupting because DCLK on the ADC is always running. This allows me 6.12 microseconds to read in the data, and 6.25 microseconds to shuffle it out before the next DRDY pulse. I should be able to do that at 32 MHz SPI clock (slave) but will most likely do it at 50MHz. This is my current interrupt code:

void NMI_Handler(void)
count = 0;

data_pad[count] = GPIOF->IDR;
if (count == 31)
data_send = !data_send;

I am still concerned about clock cycles, and I believe I can get away with only checking the DRDY flag if I operate on the presumption that the only other EXTI flag that will trip is for the clock pin. Although I question how this will work if SYS_TICK is running in the background... I'll have to find out.

We're investigating a faster processor to handle the bit-banging, but right now, it looks like the PI3 won't be able to handle it if it's running Linux, and I'm unaware of too many faster processors that run either a very small reliable RTOS, or can be bare metal programmed in a pinch...

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  • Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

  • @ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

  • SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

  • @ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

  • @JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

    – berendi
    Nov 15 '18 at 21:29


I'm attempting to create a proper SPI slave interface for an AD7768-4 ADC. The ADC has a SPI interface, but it doesn't output the conversions via SPI. Instead, there are data outputs that are clocked out on individual GPIO pins. So I basically need to bit-bang data, and output to SPI to get a proper slave SPI interface. Please don't ask why I'm doing it this way, it was assigned to me.

The issue I'm having is with the interrupts. I'm using the STM32F767ZI processor - it runs at 216 MHz, and my ADC data MUST BE clocked out at 20MHz. I've set up my NMIs but what I'm not seeing is where the system calls or points to the interrupt handler.

I used the STMCubeMX software to assign pins and generate the setup code, and in the stm32F7xx.c file, it shows the NMI_Handler() function, but I don't see a pointer to it anywhere in the system files. I also found void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler() function in STM32F7xx_hal_gpio.c, which appears to check if the pin is asserted, and clears any pending bits, but it doesn't reset the interrupt flag, or check it, and again, I see no pointer to this function.

To more thoroughly complicate things, I have 10 clock cycles to determine which flag is set (1 of two at a time), reset it, incerment a variable, and move data from the GPIO registers. I believe this is possible, but again, I'm uncertain of what the system is doing as soon as the interrupt is tripped.

Does anyone have any experience in working with external interrupts on this processor that could shed some light on how this particular system handles things? Again - 10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...


We changed the DCLK speed to 5.12 MHz (20.48 MHz MCLK/4) because at 2.56 MHz we had exactly 12.5 microseconds to pipe data out and set up for the next DRDY pulse, and 80 kHz speed gives us exactly zero margin. At 5.12 MHz, I have 41 clock cycles to run the interrupt routine, which I can reduce slightly if I skip checking the second flag and just handle incoming data. But I feel I must use the DRDY flag check at least, and use the routine to enable the second interrupt otherwise I'll be constantly interrupting because DCLK on the ADC is always running. This allows me 6.12 microseconds to read in the data, and 6.25 microseconds to shuffle it out before the next DRDY pulse. I should be able to do that at 32 MHz SPI clock (slave) but will most likely do it at 50MHz. This is my current interrupt code:

void NMI_Handler(void)
count = 0;

data_pad[count] = GPIOF->IDR;
if (count == 31)
data_send = !data_send;

I am still concerned about clock cycles, and I believe I can get away with only checking the DRDY flag if I operate on the presumption that the only other EXTI flag that will trip is for the clock pin. Although I question how this will work if SYS_TICK is running in the background... I'll have to find out.

We're investigating a faster processor to handle the bit-banging, but right now, it looks like the PI3 won't be able to handle it if it's running Linux, and I'm unaware of too many faster processors that run either a very small reliable RTOS, or can be bare metal programmed in a pinch...

share|improve this question

  • Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

  • @ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

  • SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

  • @ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

  • @JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

    – berendi
    Nov 15 '18 at 21:29




I'm attempting to create a proper SPI slave interface for an AD7768-4 ADC. The ADC has a SPI interface, but it doesn't output the conversions via SPI. Instead, there are data outputs that are clocked out on individual GPIO pins. So I basically need to bit-bang data, and output to SPI to get a proper slave SPI interface. Please don't ask why I'm doing it this way, it was assigned to me.

The issue I'm having is with the interrupts. I'm using the STM32F767ZI processor - it runs at 216 MHz, and my ADC data MUST BE clocked out at 20MHz. I've set up my NMIs but what I'm not seeing is where the system calls or points to the interrupt handler.

I used the STMCubeMX software to assign pins and generate the setup code, and in the stm32F7xx.c file, it shows the NMI_Handler() function, but I don't see a pointer to it anywhere in the system files. I also found void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler() function in STM32F7xx_hal_gpio.c, which appears to check if the pin is asserted, and clears any pending bits, but it doesn't reset the interrupt flag, or check it, and again, I see no pointer to this function.

To more thoroughly complicate things, I have 10 clock cycles to determine which flag is set (1 of two at a time), reset it, incerment a variable, and move data from the GPIO registers. I believe this is possible, but again, I'm uncertain of what the system is doing as soon as the interrupt is tripped.

Does anyone have any experience in working with external interrupts on this processor that could shed some light on how this particular system handles things? Again - 10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...


We changed the DCLK speed to 5.12 MHz (20.48 MHz MCLK/4) because at 2.56 MHz we had exactly 12.5 microseconds to pipe data out and set up for the next DRDY pulse, and 80 kHz speed gives us exactly zero margin. At 5.12 MHz, I have 41 clock cycles to run the interrupt routine, which I can reduce slightly if I skip checking the second flag and just handle incoming data. But I feel I must use the DRDY flag check at least, and use the routine to enable the second interrupt otherwise I'll be constantly interrupting because DCLK on the ADC is always running. This allows me 6.12 microseconds to read in the data, and 6.25 microseconds to shuffle it out before the next DRDY pulse. I should be able to do that at 32 MHz SPI clock (slave) but will most likely do it at 50MHz. This is my current interrupt code:

void NMI_Handler(void)
count = 0;

data_pad[count] = GPIOF->IDR;
if (count == 31)
data_send = !data_send;

I am still concerned about clock cycles, and I believe I can get away with only checking the DRDY flag if I operate on the presumption that the only other EXTI flag that will trip is for the clock pin. Although I question how this will work if SYS_TICK is running in the background... I'll have to find out.

We're investigating a faster processor to handle the bit-banging, but right now, it looks like the PI3 won't be able to handle it if it's running Linux, and I'm unaware of too many faster processors that run either a very small reliable RTOS, or can be bare metal programmed in a pinch...

share|improve this question

I'm attempting to create a proper SPI slave interface for an AD7768-4 ADC. The ADC has a SPI interface, but it doesn't output the conversions via SPI. Instead, there are data outputs that are clocked out on individual GPIO pins. So I basically need to bit-bang data, and output to SPI to get a proper slave SPI interface. Please don't ask why I'm doing it this way, it was assigned to me.

The issue I'm having is with the interrupts. I'm using the STM32F767ZI processor - it runs at 216 MHz, and my ADC data MUST BE clocked out at 20MHz. I've set up my NMIs but what I'm not seeing is where the system calls or points to the interrupt handler.

I used the STMCubeMX software to assign pins and generate the setup code, and in the stm32F7xx.c file, it shows the NMI_Handler() function, but I don't see a pointer to it anywhere in the system files. I also found void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler() function in STM32F7xx_hal_gpio.c, which appears to check if the pin is asserted, and clears any pending bits, but it doesn't reset the interrupt flag, or check it, and again, I see no pointer to this function.

To more thoroughly complicate things, I have 10 clock cycles to determine which flag is set (1 of two at a time), reset it, incerment a variable, and move data from the GPIO registers. I believe this is possible, but again, I'm uncertain of what the system is doing as soon as the interrupt is tripped.

Does anyone have any experience in working with external interrupts on this processor that could shed some light on how this particular system handles things? Again - 10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...


We changed the DCLK speed to 5.12 MHz (20.48 MHz MCLK/4) because at 2.56 MHz we had exactly 12.5 microseconds to pipe data out and set up for the next DRDY pulse, and 80 kHz speed gives us exactly zero margin. At 5.12 MHz, I have 41 clock cycles to run the interrupt routine, which I can reduce slightly if I skip checking the second flag and just handle incoming data. But I feel I must use the DRDY flag check at least, and use the routine to enable the second interrupt otherwise I'll be constantly interrupting because DCLK on the ADC is always running. This allows me 6.12 microseconds to read in the data, and 6.25 microseconds to shuffle it out before the next DRDY pulse. I should be able to do that at 32 MHz SPI clock (slave) but will most likely do it at 50MHz. This is my current interrupt code:

void NMI_Handler(void)
count = 0;

data_pad[count] = GPIOF->IDR;
if (count == 31)
data_send = !data_send;

I am still concerned about clock cycles, and I believe I can get away with only checking the DRDY flag if I operate on the presumption that the only other EXTI flag that will trip is for the clock pin. Although I question how this will work if SYS_TICK is running in the background... I'll have to find out.

We're investigating a faster processor to handle the bit-banging, but right now, it looks like the PI3 won't be able to handle it if it's running Linux, and I'm unaware of too many faster processors that run either a very small reliable RTOS, or can be bare metal programmed in a pinch...

c++ c interrupt stm32f7

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edited Nov 19 '18 at 11:27

Jedi Engineer

asked Nov 14 '18 at 13:22

Jedi EngineerJedi Engineer



  • Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

  • @ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

  • SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

  • @ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

  • @JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

    – berendi
    Nov 15 '18 at 21:29

  • Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

  • @ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

  • SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

    – ReAl
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

  • @ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

  • @JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

    – berendi
    Nov 15 '18 at 21:29

Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

– ReAl
Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

Consider usage of serial audio interface (SAI) in slave mode with PCM/DSP frames (use ADC DRDY as FS). You can use two SAI channels (2*24 bit slots per channel) if ADC can out samples via DATA0 and DATA1.

– ReAl
Nov 14 '18 at 13:46

@ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

– Jedi Engineer
Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

@ReAl - I'm reading DATA),1,2,3 simultaneously. And it's piped in at 20MHz. Not sure SAI can handle that. Thanks though!

– Jedi Engineer
Nov 14 '18 at 15:00

SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

– ReAl
Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

SAI has two 1-bit channels. One's can connect in parallel frame start (FS) and clock inputs while use data inputs separately, so SAI can receive maximum two data streams from ADC.

– ReAl
Nov 14 '18 at 15:25

@ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

– Jedi Engineer
Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

@ReAl, as I indicated before, I have four data inputs to read simultaneously - Data0, Data1, Data2, and Data3. I also have the data clock to follow. It wouldn't work. We explored that already. Thanks Though!

– Jedi Engineer
Nov 14 '18 at 15:59

@JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

– berendi
Nov 15 '18 at 21:29

@JediEngineer There are 2 SAI controllers with 2 channels each

– berendi
Nov 15 '18 at 21:29

3 Answers





10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...

No way. Interrupt entry (pushing registers, fetching the vector and filling the pipeline) takes 10-12 cycles even on a Cortex-M7. Then consider a very simple interrupt handler, just moving the input data bits to a buffer and clearing the interrupt flag:

uint32_t *p;
void handler(void) {
*p++ = GPIOA->IDR;
EXTI->PR = 0x10;

it gets translated to something like this

ldr r0, .addr_of_idr // load &GPIOA->IDR
ldr r1, [r0] // load GPIOA->IDR
ldr r2, .addr_ofr_p // load &p
ldr r3, [r2] // load p
str r1, [r3] // store the value from IDR to *p
adds r3, r3, #4 // increment p
str r3, [r2] // store p
ldr r0, .addr_of_pr // load &EXTI->PR
movs r1, #0x10
str r1, [r0] // store 0x10 to EXTI->PR
bx lr
.word p
.word 0x40020010
.word 0x40013C14

So it's 11 instructions, each taking at least one cycle, after interrupt entry. That's assuming the code, vector table, and the stack are all in the fastest RAM region. I'm not sure whether literal pools work in ITCM at all, using immediate literals would add 3 more cycles. Forget it.

This has to be solved with hardware.

The controller has 6 SPI interfaces, pick 4 of them. Connect DRDY to all four NSS pins, DCLK to all SCK pins, and each DOUT pin to one MISO pin. Now each SPI interface handles a single channel, and can collect up to 32 bits in its internal FIFO.

Then I'd set an interrupt on a rising edge on one of the NSS pins (EXTI still works even if the pin is in alternate function mode), and read all data at once.


It turns out that the STM32 SPI requres an inordinate amount of delay between NSS falling and SCK rising, which the AD7768 does not provide, so it will not work.

Sigma-Delta interface

The STM32F767 has a DFSDM peripheral, designed to receive data from external ADCs. It can receive up to 8 channels of serial data with 20 MHz, and it can even do some preprocessing that your application might need.

The problem is that the DFSDM has no DRDY input, I don't exactly know how could the data transfer be synchronized. It might work by asserting the START# singal to reset the communication.

If that doesn't work, then you can try starting the DFSDM channels using a timer and DMA. Connect DRDY to the external trigger of TIM1 or TIM8 (other timers won't work, because they are connected to the slower APB1 bus and the other DMA controller), start it on the rising edge of ETR, and let it generate a DMA request after ~20 ns. Then let the DMA write the value needed to start the channel to the DFSDM channel configuration register. Repeat for the oher three channels.

share|improve this answer

  • @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

  • @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

    – berendi
    Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

  • I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

    – Jedi Engineer
    Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

  • @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

    – berendi
    Nov 16 '18 at 14:23


There's a startup file generated before compile: startup_stm32f767xx.s - which contains all the pointers to functions.

Under the marker g_pfnVectors: is .word NMI_Handler pointing to a function for handling the non-masked interrupts, and two other pointers, .word EXTI0_IRQHandler and .word EXTI1_IRQHandler as vectors to the external interrupt handlers. Further down in the same file, is the following compiler directives:

.weak      NMI_Handler  
.thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

.weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
.thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

.weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
.thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

This was the info I was looking for to be able to control my interrupts with more precision and fewer clock cycles.

share|improve this answer


    I readed AD7768 DS more carefully and found that it can srnd four channels data to one DOUT pin. So, I talking again about serial audio interface (SAI).

    If you can lower DCLK frequency up to 2.5MHz than you can lower sample with ratio 1:8 (as ratio 2.5 MHz to 20 MHz) irt sample rate at full ADC clock.

    If you route all 4 channels to one output DOUT0 you slow down sample rate just in ratio 1:4.

    AD7768-4 DS

    page 53

    On the AD7768, the interface can be configured to output conversion
    data on one, two, or eight of the DOUTx pins. The DOUTx configuration
    for the AD7768 is selected using the FORMATx pins (see Table 33).

    page 66 table 34: (for AD7768-4)
    page 67 figure 98:

    FORMAT0 = 1 All channels output on the DOUT0 pin, in TDM output. Only DOUT0 is in use.

    You can use SAI with FS = DRDY and four slots, 32 bits/slot

    share|improve this answer

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      3 Answers




      3 Answers











      10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...

      No way. Interrupt entry (pushing registers, fetching the vector and filling the pipeline) takes 10-12 cycles even on a Cortex-M7. Then consider a very simple interrupt handler, just moving the input data bits to a buffer and clearing the interrupt flag:

      uint32_t *p;
      void handler(void) {
      *p++ = GPIOA->IDR;
      EXTI->PR = 0x10;

      it gets translated to something like this

      ldr r0, .addr_of_idr // load &GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r1, [r0] // load GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r2, .addr_ofr_p // load &p
      ldr r3, [r2] // load p
      str r1, [r3] // store the value from IDR to *p
      adds r3, r3, #4 // increment p
      str r3, [r2] // store p
      ldr r0, .addr_of_pr // load &EXTI->PR
      movs r1, #0x10
      str r1, [r0] // store 0x10 to EXTI->PR
      bx lr
      .word p
      .word 0x40020010
      .word 0x40013C14

      So it's 11 instructions, each taking at least one cycle, after interrupt entry. That's assuming the code, vector table, and the stack are all in the fastest RAM region. I'm not sure whether literal pools work in ITCM at all, using immediate literals would add 3 more cycles. Forget it.

      This has to be solved with hardware.

      The controller has 6 SPI interfaces, pick 4 of them. Connect DRDY to all four NSS pins, DCLK to all SCK pins, and each DOUT pin to one MISO pin. Now each SPI interface handles a single channel, and can collect up to 32 bits in its internal FIFO.

      Then I'd set an interrupt on a rising edge on one of the NSS pins (EXTI still works even if the pin is in alternate function mode), and read all data at once.


      It turns out that the STM32 SPI requres an inordinate amount of delay between NSS falling and SCK rising, which the AD7768 does not provide, so it will not work.

      Sigma-Delta interface

      The STM32F767 has a DFSDM peripheral, designed to receive data from external ADCs. It can receive up to 8 channels of serial data with 20 MHz, and it can even do some preprocessing that your application might need.

      The problem is that the DFSDM has no DRDY input, I don't exactly know how could the data transfer be synchronized. It might work by asserting the START# singal to reset the communication.

      If that doesn't work, then you can try starting the DFSDM channels using a timer and DMA. Connect DRDY to the external trigger of TIM1 or TIM8 (other timers won't work, because they are connected to the slower APB1 bus and the other DMA controller), start it on the rising edge of ETR, and let it generate a DMA request after ~20 ns. Then let the DMA write the value needed to start the channel to the DFSDM channel configuration register. Repeat for the oher three channels.

      share|improve this answer

      • @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      • @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

        – berendi
        Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      • I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      • @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

        – berendi
        Nov 16 '18 at 14:23


      10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...

      No way. Interrupt entry (pushing registers, fetching the vector and filling the pipeline) takes 10-12 cycles even on a Cortex-M7. Then consider a very simple interrupt handler, just moving the input data bits to a buffer and clearing the interrupt flag:

      uint32_t *p;
      void handler(void) {
      *p++ = GPIOA->IDR;
      EXTI->PR = 0x10;

      it gets translated to something like this

      ldr r0, .addr_of_idr // load &GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r1, [r0] // load GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r2, .addr_ofr_p // load &p
      ldr r3, [r2] // load p
      str r1, [r3] // store the value from IDR to *p
      adds r3, r3, #4 // increment p
      str r3, [r2] // store p
      ldr r0, .addr_of_pr // load &EXTI->PR
      movs r1, #0x10
      str r1, [r0] // store 0x10 to EXTI->PR
      bx lr
      .word p
      .word 0x40020010
      .word 0x40013C14

      So it's 11 instructions, each taking at least one cycle, after interrupt entry. That's assuming the code, vector table, and the stack are all in the fastest RAM region. I'm not sure whether literal pools work in ITCM at all, using immediate literals would add 3 more cycles. Forget it.

      This has to be solved with hardware.

      The controller has 6 SPI interfaces, pick 4 of them. Connect DRDY to all four NSS pins, DCLK to all SCK pins, and each DOUT pin to one MISO pin. Now each SPI interface handles a single channel, and can collect up to 32 bits in its internal FIFO.

      Then I'd set an interrupt on a rising edge on one of the NSS pins (EXTI still works even if the pin is in alternate function mode), and read all data at once.


      It turns out that the STM32 SPI requres an inordinate amount of delay between NSS falling and SCK rising, which the AD7768 does not provide, so it will not work.

      Sigma-Delta interface

      The STM32F767 has a DFSDM peripheral, designed to receive data from external ADCs. It can receive up to 8 channels of serial data with 20 MHz, and it can even do some preprocessing that your application might need.

      The problem is that the DFSDM has no DRDY input, I don't exactly know how could the data transfer be synchronized. It might work by asserting the START# singal to reset the communication.

      If that doesn't work, then you can try starting the DFSDM channels using a timer and DMA. Connect DRDY to the external trigger of TIM1 or TIM8 (other timers won't work, because they are connected to the slower APB1 bus and the other DMA controller), start it on the rising edge of ETR, and let it generate a DMA request after ~20 ns. Then let the DMA write the value needed to start the channel to the DFSDM channel configuration register. Repeat for the oher three channels.

      share|improve this answer

      • @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      • @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

        – berendi
        Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      • I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      • @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

        – berendi
        Nov 16 '18 at 14:23




      10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...

      No way. Interrupt entry (pushing registers, fetching the vector and filling the pipeline) takes 10-12 cycles even on a Cortex-M7. Then consider a very simple interrupt handler, just moving the input data bits to a buffer and clearing the interrupt flag:

      uint32_t *p;
      void handler(void) {
      *p++ = GPIOA->IDR;
      EXTI->PR = 0x10;

      it gets translated to something like this

      ldr r0, .addr_of_idr // load &GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r1, [r0] // load GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r2, .addr_ofr_p // load &p
      ldr r3, [r2] // load p
      str r1, [r3] // store the value from IDR to *p
      adds r3, r3, #4 // increment p
      str r3, [r2] // store p
      ldr r0, .addr_of_pr // load &EXTI->PR
      movs r1, #0x10
      str r1, [r0] // store 0x10 to EXTI->PR
      bx lr
      .word p
      .word 0x40020010
      .word 0x40013C14

      So it's 11 instructions, each taking at least one cycle, after interrupt entry. That's assuming the code, vector table, and the stack are all in the fastest RAM region. I'm not sure whether literal pools work in ITCM at all, using immediate literals would add 3 more cycles. Forget it.

      This has to be solved with hardware.

      The controller has 6 SPI interfaces, pick 4 of them. Connect DRDY to all four NSS pins, DCLK to all SCK pins, and each DOUT pin to one MISO pin. Now each SPI interface handles a single channel, and can collect up to 32 bits in its internal FIFO.

      Then I'd set an interrupt on a rising edge on one of the NSS pins (EXTI still works even if the pin is in alternate function mode), and read all data at once.


      It turns out that the STM32 SPI requres an inordinate amount of delay between NSS falling and SCK rising, which the AD7768 does not provide, so it will not work.

      Sigma-Delta interface

      The STM32F767 has a DFSDM peripheral, designed to receive data from external ADCs. It can receive up to 8 channels of serial data with 20 MHz, and it can even do some preprocessing that your application might need.

      The problem is that the DFSDM has no DRDY input, I don't exactly know how could the data transfer be synchronized. It might work by asserting the START# singal to reset the communication.

      If that doesn't work, then you can try starting the DFSDM channels using a timer and DMA. Connect DRDY to the external trigger of TIM1 or TIM8 (other timers won't work, because they are connected to the slower APB1 bus and the other DMA controller), start it on the rising edge of ETR, and let it generate a DMA request after ~20 ns. Then let the DMA write the value needed to start the channel to the DFSDM channel configuration register. Repeat for the oher three channels.

      share|improve this answer

      10 clock cycles to do what I need to... moving data should only take me 1-2 clock cycles, leaving me 8 to handle interrupts...

      No way. Interrupt entry (pushing registers, fetching the vector and filling the pipeline) takes 10-12 cycles even on a Cortex-M7. Then consider a very simple interrupt handler, just moving the input data bits to a buffer and clearing the interrupt flag:

      uint32_t *p;
      void handler(void) {
      *p++ = GPIOA->IDR;
      EXTI->PR = 0x10;

      it gets translated to something like this

      ldr r0, .addr_of_idr // load &GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r1, [r0] // load GPIOA->IDR
      ldr r2, .addr_ofr_p // load &p
      ldr r3, [r2] // load p
      str r1, [r3] // store the value from IDR to *p
      adds r3, r3, #4 // increment p
      str r3, [r2] // store p
      ldr r0, .addr_of_pr // load &EXTI->PR
      movs r1, #0x10
      str r1, [r0] // store 0x10 to EXTI->PR
      bx lr
      .word p
      .word 0x40020010
      .word 0x40013C14

      So it's 11 instructions, each taking at least one cycle, after interrupt entry. That's assuming the code, vector table, and the stack are all in the fastest RAM region. I'm not sure whether literal pools work in ITCM at all, using immediate literals would add 3 more cycles. Forget it.

      This has to be solved with hardware.

      The controller has 6 SPI interfaces, pick 4 of them. Connect DRDY to all four NSS pins, DCLK to all SCK pins, and each DOUT pin to one MISO pin. Now each SPI interface handles a single channel, and can collect up to 32 bits in its internal FIFO.

      Then I'd set an interrupt on a rising edge on one of the NSS pins (EXTI still works even if the pin is in alternate function mode), and read all data at once.


      It turns out that the STM32 SPI requres an inordinate amount of delay between NSS falling and SCK rising, which the AD7768 does not provide, so it will not work.

      Sigma-Delta interface

      The STM32F767 has a DFSDM peripheral, designed to receive data from external ADCs. It can receive up to 8 channels of serial data with 20 MHz, and it can even do some preprocessing that your application might need.

      The problem is that the DFSDM has no DRDY input, I don't exactly know how could the data transfer be synchronized. It might work by asserting the START# singal to reset the communication.

      If that doesn't work, then you can try starting the DFSDM channels using a timer and DMA. Connect DRDY to the external trigger of TIM1 or TIM8 (other timers won't work, because they are connected to the slower APB1 bus and the other DMA controller), start it on the rising edge of ETR, and let it generate a DMA request after ~20 ns. Then let the DMA write the value needed to start the channel to the DFSDM channel configuration register. Repeat for the oher three channels.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited Nov 15 '18 at 21:40

      answered Nov 14 '18 at 21:59




      • @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      • @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

        – berendi
        Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      • I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      • @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

        – berendi
        Nov 16 '18 at 14:23

      • @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      • @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

        – berendi
        Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      • I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

        – Jedi Engineer
        Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      • @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

        – berendi
        Nov 16 '18 at 14:23

      @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

      – Jedi Engineer
      Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      @berebdi - thanks for the input. I just arrived at a similar conclusion a few moments ago (with respect to timing). I was unsure of handling the data with the Nucleo SPI channel - I'm going to set that up as you suggested. That makes sense considering that the output appears to be basically a SPI interface. With respect to that - DRDY rises and falls within the n-1 clock cycle with respect to data - that shouldn't make a difference with the SPI input, right? Furthermore, can 4 SPI channels read in data at once? The ADC clocks out all 4 channels at the same time...

      – Jedi Engineer
      Nov 15 '18 at 17:50

      @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

      – berendi
      Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      @JediEngineer Yes, it could be a problem. Looking at the SPI timing diagram in the STM32F767 datasheet, it needs tsu(NSS)=4*Tpclk NSS setup time, that is about 37 ns @ 108MHz APB2 clock, but on the transmitting side, the delay between DRDY falling and DCLK rising is 0 to 4.5 ns. So it will miss the first bit. But I have another idea...

      – berendi
      Nov 15 '18 at 20:05

      I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

      – Jedi Engineer
      Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      I looked into the DFSDM - it doesn't look like I can use it without the filters... from what I'm seeing. But I'll keep it on hand as a second option. For the time being, I was able to get a reduction in DCLK speed to 2.5MHz, giving me about 84 clock cycles to extract my data. That should be plenty. I'll be reducing code to increase speed, and maybe we'll work with the DFSDM as well, but it's a start for now.

      – Jedi Engineer
      Nov 16 '18 at 11:29

      @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

      – berendi
      Nov 16 '18 at 14:23

      @JediEngineer DFSDM filters can be bypassed, see the description of the DFSDM_FLTxFCR register, and it can be somehow synchronized to EXTI14 or EXTI15, so that's where DRDY should go.

      – berendi
      Nov 16 '18 at 14:23


      There's a startup file generated before compile: startup_stm32f767xx.s - which contains all the pointers to functions.

      Under the marker g_pfnVectors: is .word NMI_Handler pointing to a function for handling the non-masked interrupts, and two other pointers, .word EXTI0_IRQHandler and .word EXTI1_IRQHandler as vectors to the external interrupt handlers. Further down in the same file, is the following compiler directives:

      .weak      NMI_Handler  
      .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

      .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
      .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

      .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
      .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

      This was the info I was looking for to be able to control my interrupts with more precision and fewer clock cycles.

      share|improve this answer


        There's a startup file generated before compile: startup_stm32f767xx.s - which contains all the pointers to functions.

        Under the marker g_pfnVectors: is .word NMI_Handler pointing to a function for handling the non-masked interrupts, and two other pointers, .word EXTI0_IRQHandler and .word EXTI1_IRQHandler as vectors to the external interrupt handlers. Further down in the same file, is the following compiler directives:

        .weak      NMI_Handler  
        .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

        .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
        .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

        .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
        .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

        This was the info I was looking for to be able to control my interrupts with more precision and fewer clock cycles.

        share|improve this answer




          There's a startup file generated before compile: startup_stm32f767xx.s - which contains all the pointers to functions.

          Under the marker g_pfnVectors: is .word NMI_Handler pointing to a function for handling the non-masked interrupts, and two other pointers, .word EXTI0_IRQHandler and .word EXTI1_IRQHandler as vectors to the external interrupt handlers. Further down in the same file, is the following compiler directives:

          .weak      NMI_Handler  
          .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

          .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
          .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

          .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
          .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

          This was the info I was looking for to be able to control my interrupts with more precision and fewer clock cycles.

          share|improve this answer

          There's a startup file generated before compile: startup_stm32f767xx.s - which contains all the pointers to functions.

          Under the marker g_pfnVectors: is .word NMI_Handler pointing to a function for handling the non-masked interrupts, and two other pointers, .word EXTI0_IRQHandler and .word EXTI1_IRQHandler as vectors to the external interrupt handlers. Further down in the same file, is the following compiler directives:

          .weak      NMI_Handler  
          .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

          .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
          .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

          .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
          .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

          This was the info I was looking for to be able to control my interrupts with more precision and fewer clock cycles.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 14 '18 at 22:02

          Jonathon Reinhart



          answered Nov 14 '18 at 15:57

          Jedi EngineerJedi Engineer




              I readed AD7768 DS more carefully and found that it can srnd four channels data to one DOUT pin. So, I talking again about serial audio interface (SAI).

              If you can lower DCLK frequency up to 2.5MHz than you can lower sample with ratio 1:8 (as ratio 2.5 MHz to 20 MHz) irt sample rate at full ADC clock.

              If you route all 4 channels to one output DOUT0 you slow down sample rate just in ratio 1:4.

              AD7768-4 DS

              page 53

              On the AD7768, the interface can be configured to output conversion
              data on one, two, or eight of the DOUTx pins. The DOUTx configuration
              for the AD7768 is selected using the FORMATx pins (see Table 33).

              page 66 table 34: (for AD7768-4)
              page 67 figure 98:

              FORMAT0 = 1 All channels output on the DOUT0 pin, in TDM output. Only DOUT0 is in use.

              You can use SAI with FS = DRDY and four slots, 32 bits/slot

              share|improve this answer


                I readed AD7768 DS more carefully and found that it can srnd four channels data to one DOUT pin. So, I talking again about serial audio interface (SAI).

                If you can lower DCLK frequency up to 2.5MHz than you can lower sample with ratio 1:8 (as ratio 2.5 MHz to 20 MHz) irt sample rate at full ADC clock.

                If you route all 4 channels to one output DOUT0 you slow down sample rate just in ratio 1:4.

                AD7768-4 DS

                page 53

                On the AD7768, the interface can be configured to output conversion
                data on one, two, or eight of the DOUTx pins. The DOUTx configuration
                for the AD7768 is selected using the FORMATx pins (see Table 33).

                page 66 table 34: (for AD7768-4)
                page 67 figure 98:

                FORMAT0 = 1 All channels output on the DOUT0 pin, in TDM output. Only DOUT0 is in use.

                You can use SAI with FS = DRDY and four slots, 32 bits/slot

                share|improve this answer




                  I readed AD7768 DS more carefully and found that it can srnd four channels data to one DOUT pin. So, I talking again about serial audio interface (SAI).

                  If you can lower DCLK frequency up to 2.5MHz than you can lower sample with ratio 1:8 (as ratio 2.5 MHz to 20 MHz) irt sample rate at full ADC clock.

                  If you route all 4 channels to one output DOUT0 you slow down sample rate just in ratio 1:4.

                  AD7768-4 DS

                  page 53

                  On the AD7768, the interface can be configured to output conversion
                  data on one, two, or eight of the DOUTx pins. The DOUTx configuration
                  for the AD7768 is selected using the FORMATx pins (see Table 33).

                  page 66 table 34: (for AD7768-4)
                  page 67 figure 98:

                  FORMAT0 = 1 All channels output on the DOUT0 pin, in TDM output. Only DOUT0 is in use.

                  You can use SAI with FS = DRDY and four slots, 32 bits/slot

                  share|improve this answer

                  I readed AD7768 DS more carefully and found that it can srnd four channels data to one DOUT pin. So, I talking again about serial audio interface (SAI).

                  If you can lower DCLK frequency up to 2.5MHz than you can lower sample with ratio 1:8 (as ratio 2.5 MHz to 20 MHz) irt sample rate at full ADC clock.

                  If you route all 4 channels to one output DOUT0 you slow down sample rate just in ratio 1:4.

                  AD7768-4 DS

                  page 53

                  On the AD7768, the interface can be configured to output conversion
                  data on one, two, or eight of the DOUTx pins. The DOUTx configuration
                  for the AD7768 is selected using the FORMATx pins (see Table 33).

                  page 66 table 34: (for AD7768-4)
                  page 67 figure 98:

                  FORMAT0 = 1 All channels output on the DOUT0 pin, in TDM output. Only DOUT0 is in use.

                  You can use SAI with FS = DRDY and four slots, 32 bits/slot

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Nov 16 '18 at 20:27




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