Your Selections

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Your Selections

Search using the options below:

(age, income, year, dataset, ...)
(states, counties, places, ...)
Race and Ethnic Groups
(race, ancestry, tribe)
Industry Codes
(NAICS industry, ...)
EEO Occupation Codes
(executives, analysts, ...)

Search Results:

To search for tables and other files in American FactFinder:


Enter search terms and an optional geography and click GO

-- or --

Select from Topics,
Race and Ethnic Groups,
Industry Codes,
EEO Occupation Codes.

  • these are added to 'Your Selections'

  • the Search Results are updated


Next, select Geographies (states, counties, cities, towns, etc.)

  • these are added to 'Your Selections'

  • the Search Results are updated


Select one or more Search Results and click View


Clear All
Reset Sort

- Suggested search results for

Show results from:


Clear All
Reset Sort

var s_code=s.t();if(s_code)document.write(s_code)

Select Topics


Select Topics to add to 'Your Selections'  

Note: The Race & Ethnicity topic is
available under the Race and Ethnic Groups button on the left.

Select Geographies


  • List

  • Name

  • Address

  • Map

Select geographies to add to Your Selections


Your Geography Filters

Geography Filter Options

Include in results:

Geography Results:

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Geography Results:

Zoom Level:


Click OK to create a PDF version of the table.

(creating a PDF version of the table allows you to print tables that are too wide to print using your browser's print function)


Paper size

[PDF] or
indicate a document in Adobe's

Portable Document Format
To view the file you will need the

Adobe® Acrobat® Reader

from Adobe.

Copy the URL below and use it to create a bookmark in your Internet browser.

- or -

Use the "Save Query" button to save the viewed products' geography and table selections to a file on your local drive. This option does not save the data but only the selections for the currently viewed result.

To retrieve a saved query, use the "Load Search or Query" button on the main page or from "Your Selections" in Advanced Search.

Save Query

Select a download format and click OK.

Presentation-ready formats


Paper size

Spatial Data formats

(geospatial data for the geographies in 'Your Selections')

[PDF] or
indicate a document in Adobe's

Portable Document Format
To view the file you will need the
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader

available free from Adobe.

Select Race and Ethnic Groups


  • Basic Groups

  • Detailed Groups

Select basic race and ethnic groups to add to Your Selections

Note: For detailed race, ancestry, or tribe data from the Decennial Census (SF2, SF4, and AIAN) and the American Community Survey (Selected Population Profiles and AIAN tables), select the 'Detailed Groups' tab.


Your Race and Ethnic Group Filters

Race/Ethnic Group Filter Options

Include in results:

Race and Ethnic Group Results:

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Select Industry Codes



Your Industry Code Filters

Industry Code Filter Options

Include in results:

Industry Code Results:

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Select EEO Detailed Occupation Codes



Your Occupation Code Filters

Occupation Code Filter Options

Occupation Code Results:

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Check All
Clear All
Reset Sort

Click 'OK' to create a zip file containing your selected products. (some downloads can take several minutes, depending on the size of the download)


I want to download the data to ...

The following content options are available for this Comma-Separated Value (.csv) download:

This downloads the data in a format suitable for display and presentation; if you wish to manipulate the data you probably want to select the "Use the data" option above.

Please select the presentation format:


Paper size

[PDF] or
indicate a document in Adobe's
Portable Document Format.
To view the file you will need the
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader

available free from Adobe.

Were you looking for...

Load Search or Query

Click "Browse" to find the previously saved search on your computer. Click "OK" to display the previously saved search, table, map or chart.

(saved searches have a default extension of .aff)


Enter your feedback and click OK.

If this feedback is about a problem, please include a detailed description of the steps that led to the error. (what you were trying to do; the last two steps you took before encountering the error...)

If you would like a response, please provide your e-mail address. E-mail information will only be used to contact you regarding your feedback and will not be used for any other purpose.

Find answers to frequently asked questions by clicking the FAQs link displayed at the top of every page in American FactFinder.


Copy the URL below and use it to create a bookmark in your Internet browser.

- or -

Use the "Save Query" button to save the viewed products' geography and table selections to a file on your local drive. This option does not save the data but only the selections for the currently viewed result.

To retrieve a saved query, use the "Load Search or Query" button on the main page or from "Your Selections" in Advanced Search.

Save Query


This page in American FactFinder is too complex to be bookmarked.

Use the "Save Query" button to save the viewed products' geography and table selections to a file on your local drive. This option does not save the data but only the selections for the currently viewed result.

To retrieve a saved query, use the "Load Search or Query" button on the main page or from "Your Selections" in Advanced Search.

Save Query

(function(){'use strict';var msg='';if(msg != '') alert(msg);})();
function() {
"EUSContent": {
"too_many_to_map":"There are too many geographies to map."
No geographies were found that match the combination of items in 'Your Geography Filters' and 'Your Selections'.

Try removing items from 'Your Geography Filters' or from 'Your Selections' to continue searching."
,"batchLimitMsgL2P2":"products from your search results and try again."
,"batchLimitMsgL2P1":"Select up to"
,"yearFilter_default_label":"All available years"
,"address_search_result_query":"Geographies containing"
,"geo_code_input":"A code must be entered into the text box to search for a geographic code."
,"cf_quickfacts":"Quick Facts"
,"print_click_open":"Click 'Open' to view the file."
,"thematic_map_error":"There was an error retrieving the data needed to render this map."
,"different_chart_warning":"Clicking 'Proceed' will replace the existing chart"
,"color_picker_selected_color":"Currently selected color"
,"rows_per_page_alt":"rows per page"
,"next_page":"next page"
,"dnld_complete":"Your file is complete."
,"with_statsig_title":"With Statistical Significance"
,"map_classes_numofclasseslabel":"Number of classes:"
,"si_geo_fips_20_050_guide":"(2-digit state code + 3-digit county code)"
,"selection_results":"Selection Results"
,"d_geography_within_census_tract_invalid":"Enter a valid Census Tract and click GO "
,"map_basemap_dark_gray_label":"Dark Gray Canvas"
,"cf_links_hovertext":"This table is not available for your selected geography."
,"classes_error_invalid_value_max":"Class {0}: The maximum class value, {1}, must be greater than or equal to the minimum class value, {2} "
,"save_search_button_text":"Save Search"
,"wizard_resultform_textrefinement_prepackaged_label":"prepackaged product name"
,"remove-map-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to remove the current map view?"
,"d_geography_within_zip_zcta_5_invalid":"Enter a valid 5-Digit ZIP Code/ZCTA and click GO"
,"result_filters_label":"Show results from:"
,"fb_form_comment_long":"Your feedback cannot be longer than 1024 characters."
,"search_fips":"Search using FIPS code:"
,"selectionsCautionMsg":"You have selected items on this page. Click Add to add the checked items to Your Selections, or click Change Page to continue, removing the checked items."
,"chart_confirmation_dialog_header":"Select a Data Value for Charting"
,"map_classes_setlastcolor":"Set last color"
,"toggle_locale_dialog_body_es_en":"Al cambiar de español a inglés se borrarán todas 'Sus selecciones'. Sólo ciertos productos de datos para Puerto Rico están disponibles en español.

Changing from Spanish to English will result in 'Your Selections' being cleared. Only selected data products for Puerto Rico are available in Spanish."
,"wizard_dataset_already_selected":"You have already selected a dataset. You can only select one dataset at a time. To select a different dataset, remove the currently selected dataset from 'Your Selections' and then type the name of another dataset."
,"sort_ascending_alt":"click to sort ascending"
,"communityfacts_advanced_search_label":"Advanced Search"
,"map_identify_no_data_hdr":"No Data Available"
,"marker_color_img_title":"Pick a color."
,"marker_text_title":"place text map marker"
,"map_legend_data_classes":"Data Classes"
,"remove-chart-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to remove the current chart view?"
,"marker_clear_all_btn":"CLEAR ALL"
,"wizard_noresultsfound_header":"No results found"
,"si_geo_fips_50_250_guide":"(4-digit American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land code)"
,"print_intro_map":"Click OK to create a PDF version of the map."
,"map_instruct_circle":"Click on the map and drag to select using a circle."
,"map_select_circle":"select using a circle"
,"dnld_session_expired":"Your session has unexpectedly expired. Please try again."
,"wizard_resultform_download_button_title":"download selected items"
,"caution_button_proceed_wiz":"Add to Your Selections"
,"map_marker_pointhelp":"Click the map to add a map marker."
,"programFilter_selection_error":"You have selected a program that is not available."
No industry codes were found that match the combination of items in 'Your Industry Code Filters' and 'Your Selections'.

Try removing items from 'Your Industry Code Filters' or from 'Your Selections' to continue searching."
,"addRemoveGeoBtn_enabled_title":"Modify the selected geography for this table."
,"load_search_query_warning":"Loading a saved search or query will replace whatever is selected in 'Your Selections'."
,"dnld_you_have_selected_2":"item(s) to download."
,"wizard_geo_disambiguation_no_results_header":"No Results Found"
,"dnld_you_have_selected_1":"You have selected"
,"msg_no_more_selections":"No filters are available"
,"last_page":"last page"
,"qs_industrycode":"industry or industry code"
,"programFilter_default_label":"All available programs"
,"DISABLE_TABLE_TOOLS":"Hide Table Tools"
,"empty_selection_msg":"'Your Selections' is empty"
,"confirm_download_cancel":"Are you sure you want to cancel your download?"
,"view_all_warning2":"tables have been selected. Click Back to Search to modify your selections."
,"view_all_warning1":"View All is not available because more than"
,"marker_point_title":"place point map marker"
,"yearFilter_selection_error":"You have selected a year that is not available."
,"ie_bkmk_msg":"Add to Favorites..."
,"qs_occ":"occupation code or name"
,"wizard_noresultsfound_msg_selections":"No tables, files or documents were found that match the combination of items in 'Your Selections'."
,"fb_form_success":"Thank you for your feedback."
,"classes_error_missing_value_min":"Class {0}: Enter a number for the minimum class value"
,"fb_form_email_bad":"Please enter a valid email address."
,"map_boundaries_no_layers":"No Layers Available"
,"view_all_title":"view all results as a PDF document in a new browser window"
,"loadquery_ext":"(saved searches have a default extension of .aff)"
,"d_geography_within_zip_zcta_3_invalid":"Enter a valid 3-Digit ZIP Code/ZCTA and click GO"
,"qs_poggroup":"race, ancestry or tribe"
,"map_legend_selections":"Your Selections"
,"map_legend_map_it":"Selected Geography"
,"bookmark_create_bookmark":"Create Bookmark"
,"load_search_not_all_items_msg":"Not all of the items could be added to 'Your Selections.'"
,"dnld_please_wait":"Please wait while your file is being created."
,"communityfacts_aff_notvalidgeo_header":"No Results Found"
,"popular_table_confirm_msg":"Displaying this table will clear the contents of 'Your Selections'."
,"dnld_cancelled":"Your Download Request was canceled. Please try again."
,"wizard_your_filters":"Your filters:"
,"dnld_session_interrupted":"Your session was unexpectedly interrupted. Please try again."
,"classes_error_invalid_precision_max":"Class {0}: Invalid precision for the maximum class value, {1}"
,"sort_descending_alt":"click to sort descending"
,"wizard_geo_disambiguation_title":"Geography Search Results"
,"map_search_title":"Find address or place"
,"batchLimitMsgL1P1":"Download is limited to a maximum of"
,"si_geo_fips_10_040_guide":"(2-digit state code)"
,"map_basemap_landmass_label":"US Landmass"
,"map_classes_classingmethodlabel":"Classing method:"
,"map_classes_valueRange":"Values range from"
,"wizard_geography_remove_request":"You must select a geography to continue with the {0}. If you remove this geography from 'Your Selections' you will be returned to the geography step of the {0} to pick another geography."
,"marker_limit":"Please limit your text to 50 characters in this field."
,"sorting_message":"Click to sort"
,"bookmark_save_query":"Save Query"
,"toggle_locale_dialog_body_en_es":"Changing from English to Spanish will result in 'Your Selections' being cleared. Only selected data products for Puerto Rico are available in Spanish.

Al cambiar de inglés a español se borrarán todas 'Sus selecciones'. Sólo ciertos productos de datos para Puerto Rico están disponibles en español."
,"loadquery_title":"Load Search or Query"
,"wizard_resultform_add_button_text":"Add to Your Selections"
,"toggle_locale_header1":"Change from"
,"download_legal":"8 1/2" x 14""
,"map_skipped_geo_types":"One or more geography types were not loaded because there are too many to map."
,"si_geo_fips_50_250_label":"American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land"
,"wizard_resultform_title_indcode":"Industry Code Results:"

Select occupation codes to add to Your Selections"
,"map_identify_no_data":"There is no identify data available for this point."
,"address_search_nonavail_geo":"The selected geography is not available based on 'Your Selections'. Modify 'Your Selections' and try again"
,"reset_confirmation_dialog_body":"This will reset all the modifications done to this table. Do you want to continue?"

Select industry codes to add to Your Selections"
,"selectionsCautionMsg_wiz":"You have selected items on this page. Click Add to Your Selections to add the checked items to Your Selections, or click Change Page to continue, removing the checked items."
,"view_all":"View All as PDF"
,"map_select_polygon":"select using a polygon"
,"no_selections_to_export_msg":"No downloadable geographies found in your selection."
,"product_view_next":"next result"
,"cf_need_help":"Need help? Use"
,"map_boundaries_max_selections":"You can select up to {0} boundaries at a time to display on the map."
,"bookmark_instruction_retrieve":"To retrieve a saved query, use the "Load Search or Query" button on the main page or from "Your Selections" in Advanced Search."
,"map_classes_defineClasses":"Define classes."

Select geographies to add to Your Selections"
,"affalert_header":"American FactFinder"
,"map_select_point":"select using a point"
,"map_selection_results":"Selection Results"
,"gso_list_nonavail_summary_level":"The selected geographic type is not available based on 'Your Selections'. Modify 'Your Selections' and try again"
,"bread_crumb_back_to":"Back to"
,"save_search_title":"Save Search"
,"map_instruct_point":"Click on the map to select using a point."
,"topics_per_page":"per page"
,"map_marker_instruct":"Add markers and text to the map by selecting the marker or text tool."
,"fb_form_comment_none":"Please enter a valid comment."
,"map_default_extent_btn_title":"Default extent"
,"gso_list_make_selection_error":"No geographies are selected. Select one or more geographies and click 'Add to Your Selections'"
,"dnld_click_dnld":"Click 'Download' to save the file to your computer."
,"address_search_invalid_state":"Please select a state."
,"chart_confirmation_dialog_body":"The selected data values to chart are:
,"marker_label_limit":"You have reached the limit for the number of markers that can be placed on a map. The map marker limit is 20."
,"si_geo_fips_60_251_guide":"(2-digit state code + 5-digit American Indian Tribal Subdivision code)"
,"wizard_resultform_check_button_text":"Check All"
,"map_basemap_hybrid_label":"Imagery with Labels"
,"map_geo_component_error":"Selected Summary Level is not available for mapping."
,"empty_filter_msg_occupation":"'Your Occupation Code Filters' is empty"
,"wizard_noresultsfound_msg_remove":"Remove items from 'Your Selections' to continue."
,"classes_error_maxvalue":"Enter a number for the maximum class value.
,"save_bkmk_alert":"You are trying to load an unsaved bookmark. Use the Right Mouse button on the product link and select bookmarking menu option from the drop-down menu"
,"map_select_add_title":"Add to your selections."
No basic race and ethnic groups are available that match the combination of items in 'Your Selections'.

Try removing items from 'Your Selections' to continue searching."
,"wizard_resultform_clear_button_text":"Clear All"
,"clear_filter_msg":"clear all filters"
,"fb_form_comment_spam":"The markup you have included in your feedback comments is invalid."
,"address_search_result_vintage2":"and working backwards, based on the contents of Your Selections."
,"address_search_result_select":"Select geographies to add to Your Selections"
,"address_search_result_vintage1":"Note: address search will use the latest available address data beginning with"
,"cf_disambig_title":"What geography are you looking for?"
,"wizard_resultform_clear_button_title":"clear all selections"
,"data_classes":"Data Classes"
,"Spanish":"Spanish "
,"nan_filter_msg":"Filter values must be numeric. Please enter a number and click OK."
,"download_jpeg":"JPEG image (.jpeg)"
,"user_session_legend_template":"{0}{1}{2} boundaries were used to map 'Your Selections'"
,"communityfacts_aff_nodataavailable_msg":"No data are available for this geography in Community Facts. Data can be found for this geography in"
,"geo_added":"added to Your Selections."
,"classes_error":"One or more of the user-defined data class values is invalid:

,"ENABLE_TABLE_TOOLS":"Modify Table"
,"map_plus_btn_title":"Zoom In"
,"show_chart":"Show Chart"
,"map_user_location_btn_title":"Find my location"
,"empty_filter_msg_popgroup":"'Your Race and Ethnic Group Filters' is empty"
,"bookmark_instruction_save":"Use the "Save Query" button to save the viewed products' geography and table selections to a file on your local drive. This option does not save the data but only the selections for the currently viewed result."
,"si_geo_fips_70_230_guide":"(2-digit state code + 5-digits Alaska Native Regional Corporation code)"
,"map_basemap_light_gray_label":"Light Gray Canvas"
,"wizard_resultform_reset_sort_button_title":"reset sort"
,"wizard_add_to_your_selections_title":"Add To Your Selections"
,"bkmk_msg2":"option from the dropdown menu"
,"bkmk_msg1":"Right click on the product id link for product"
,"quickstart_or_use_options":"Or use the options on the left to begin your search"
,"si_geo_fips_30_060_guide":"(2-digit state code + 3-digit county code + 5-digit county subdivision code)"
,"fb_description_include":"If this feedback is about a problem, please include a detailed description of the steps that led to the error. (what you were trying to do; the last two steps you took before encountering the error...)"
,"map_select_clear_title":"Clear selections."
,"per_page":"per page"
,"classes_error_minvalue":"Enter a number for the minimum class value.
,"map_boundaries_visibility_note":"Boundary selections in gray may not be visible at the current zoom level."
,"classes_error_missing_value_max":"Class {0}: Enter a number for the maximum class value"
,"wizard_table_remove_request":"A table must be selected to continue with the {0}. If you remove this table from 'Your Selections' you will be returned to the start of the {0} to pick another table, and your current selections will be removed from 'Your Selections'."
,"map_legend_results":"Selection Results"
,"cf_disambig_linktext":"We found more results for your geography search >>"
,"ENABLE_TABLE_TOOLS_TITLE":"enable table tools to modify the table"
,"gso_search_omega_index_option":"all geographic types"
,"different-map-confirmation":"The system supports one map at a time, and you have already created a map for another table.
Would you like to replace the previously created map with a new map?"
,"wizard_resultform_reset_sort_button_text":"Reset Sort"
,"gso_search_no_gsl_found":"No geographic types matched your search terms."
,"classes_length_mismatch":"The number of classes, {0}, does not match the number of data range classes, {1}"
,"map_basemap_nat_geo_label":"National Geographic"
,"indcodeTopics_filter":"industry code filters"
,"firefox_bkmk_msg":"Bookmark this link"
,"map_classes_colorrangelabel":"Color range (select the first and last colors):"
,"addRemoveGeoBtn_disabled_title":"This feature is not available because there is more than one table selected."
,"map_select_addbutton":"Add to Your Selections"
,"marker_text_instruct":"Click the map to add text."
,"wizard_dataset_noselection":"You must choose a dataset before you can continue in the {0}."
,"map_instruct_polygon":"Click on the map to define a polygon area. Double-click the last point to close the polygon."
,"dnld_failed":"The Download Request failed. Please try again."
,"marker_point_instruct":"Click the map to add a map marker."
,"map_geo_year_change":"All your current geo selection will be removed"
,"loadquery_intro":"Click "Browse" to find the previously saved search on your computer. Click "OK" to display the previously saved search, table, map or chart."
,"map_content_tomanyselected":"A maximum of 10 boundaries and features can be selected for display on the map."
,"address_search_invalid_street":"Please enter a street address."
,"affalert_button_new_search":"New Search"
,"search_refine_your_search":"Refine your search results:"
,"address_search_selection2":"to your selections"
,"si_geo_fips_60_251_label":"American Indian Tribal Subdivision"
,"address_search_invalid_city":"Please enter a city."
,"map_single_geo_error":"Single Geo Cannot be mapped"
,"gso_search_alpha_index_option":"most requested geographic types"
,"caution_button_cancel":"Change page"
American FactFinder was unable to create the map you're trying to print or download.
Try to print or download the map after changing one or more of the following:

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